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Sydney Richardson

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Age: 21

Height: 5'3"

Hair: Light Brown, worn in a three foot long French braid

Eyes: Hazel



Andrew Richardson, 49, OB/GYN physician


Olivia Richardson, 41, homemaker


Rebecca Richardson, 18, student

Gennie Richardson, 16, student

Darcy Richardson, 13, student




December 13, 2375—Sydney Marie is born to Andrew and Olivia Richardson at the New Kansas City Medical Hub.


As a child, Sydney liked to be the center of attention. Known for her outrageous pranks and quirky sense of humor, Syd often got herself in a more than a little trouble, such as the time when she was eight-years-old and had hidden several caterpillars in her father's slippers. When asked why she did it, she justified the act as an opportunity to observe "human reaction".


March, 2387—Sydney Richardson is taken to the New Kansas City Medical Hub with a laceration to her right hand.


While conducting an experiment in a science lab about the absorption abilities of a celery stalk, Syd slipped with a low power laser scalpel and cut her hand. Instead of telling someone right away, she watched as the blood traveled up the celery stalk. Finally, one of her classmates, alarmed by the excessive blood loss, screamed and alerted the teacher to Syd's condition.


As she grew older, plants continued to interest her. This fascination led to experiments with such things as ragweed allergies (though not her own), poison ivy, and a pet Venus fly trap. She also planted a flower garden that soon took over the yard, much to the chagrin of her three younger sisters.


July, 2392—Anna Yung is rushed to the New Kansas City Medical Hub for poisoning due to consumption of a poisonous mushroom.


During a nature walk organized by Syd, a twelve-year-old girl was given permission to eat a mushroom that Syd had identified as "edible". Although the girl's parents dismissed it as a mistake, the event left her doubting her choice of careers.


2393-2397—Starfleet Academy


Throughout her education at Starfleet Academy she received average grades, which her professors blamed on the fact that she was constantly second guessing herself.


Although she kept her quirky sense of humor, she did become less outgoing during her time at the academy. She preferred the company of the plants in the greenhouse over that of people. This did not, interestingly enough, keep her from developing a strong friendship with Zara Llewellyn. They promised each other they would keep in contact after graduation.




After graduation, Midshipman Sydney Richardson joined the crew of the U.S.S. Agincourt as an assistant science officer specializing in botany.


Additional information—


Known languages:

Federation Standard, French, and, according to her mother, the Language of the Plants


Medical History:

2385 —Broken arm, cause: fell from a tree

2387 —Twisted ankle, cause: slipped on a floor

—Broken collar bone, cause: fell from a tree

—Severe laceration on right hand, cause: low power laser scalpel

2388 —Broken nose, cause: accidental blow from a sibling

2392 —Broken leg, cause: jumped from a tree


2393 —Sydney Richardson has never had any contagious illnesses. She has

passed the mental and physical health checks at an expectable level

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Perhaps that's why he's always looking for his hairbrush?

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naw, he gave it to the peach...cause he's got hair


(I wonder how many trekkies are also veggietales fans...)

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Olivia Richardson, 41, homemaker

"Must be some kind of construction worker" --Data

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