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Saek tr'Vosh

Bio: Saek tr'Vosh

****************RIHANNSU STAR EMPIRE DATA BASE*****************



Personnel File:


Name: Saek tr'Vosh

Rank: El'Arrain

Gender: Male

Height: 1.83 m (6 ft)

Weight: 67.2 kg (180 lbs)

Age: 24

Eyes: Green

Hair: Black


Distinguishing Features:


Scar: 5 centimeters in length, located in front of Right ear. Cause-Unknown

Scar: 8 centimeters in length, on back of Right leg. Cause- HIC malfunction

Scar: 6 centimeter circular pattern on lumbar. Cause- CLASSIFIED

Scar: 3 centimeter discoloration on right forearm. Cause- AFRO accident


Personal Data:


Birthplace: ch'Rihan

Father: Kevlarr tr'Vosh / Deceased

Mother: Sarin t'Vosh / Director, Psychological Conditioning Institute

Siblings: Io Sister / Ll'eona t'Vosh / Maenek student


Recent History:


Completed pre-Maenek training: Joined Galae instead of continuing Maenek school.

Graduated the Galae Academy in the top 10 percentile excelling in thi Dimensional Battle Tactics and hand-to-hand combat.


Service Record:


0404.05 Commissioned as Erein, graduating Galae Academy


0404.22 Assigned to RES Talon, Khreriov t'Rexan commanding


0405.16 Temporary field promotion to Daise Dheno


0406.24 Promoted to Ne'Arrain


0408.19 Promoted to Arrain


04010.19 Tranferred to HELM


0503.31 Promoted to El'Arrain

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