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HoD Bch

Bch Biography




Daughter of Vax

The House of Bch, QonoS

IKC Qob, RawI'




0503.15: Brings the Hood back to her original location with the repaired temporal device. Is severely injured as the devices malfunctions in an attempt to bring the Qob back to her correct time and location. The Qob is now seven million light years from home. Messner takes the rank of HoD.


0412.21: Departs with the refitted Qob and a joint Klingon/Federation crew to use the 29th C travel device for deep space exploration. The device has been damaged by sabotage by Qunjalth and brings the Qob 175 years into the past, along with the Federation starship Hood.


0408.11: Returns the ship to QonoS with the aid of a time device confiscated from a 29th century time ship.


0406.02: Returns to the Qob after sixteen years in a temporal discontinuity with Messner and sons Val and Jay.


0402.25: Leaves the Qob to live out years on a suitable class M world.


0211.26: Assumes rank of HoD


9810.20: Claims rank of RawI.


9710.28: Turns command of IKC Qob to HoD Kevla and took rank of RawI’Hom’a’.


9710.14: Assumes command of IKC Qob upon disappearance of HoD rojvaj and Commander Aubrey.


9709.02: Claims rank of RawI’Hom.


9708.15: Returns to duty.


9707.15: Arrested for death of crewman Sanin.


9611.12: Maintains rank and position during the restructuring of the Qob command as the Qob and USS Lakota crews merged in the Alpha quadrant, surviving a subspace anomaly landing them 35,000 light years from home.


9611.01: Transfers to IKC Qob as chief science officer at rank of Sogh’a’.


9610.15: Claims rank of Sogh.


9610.01: Claims rank of SoghHom.


9609.11: Assigned to the IKC wo'Degh, HoD rojvaj, as chief science officer.





0411: The Bches uncover the treachery of councilman Qunjalth and his plot to destroy their family with Ktort as one of his henchmen. Messner kills the traitor and is awarded his seat on the Klingon high council. He chooses to continue his commission on the Qob if Mnstral will take the seat. She accepts the seat and the responsibility of continuing to manage the House of Bch.


0410: Bch and Messner return to QonoS and clean up the House of Bch, freeing Mnstral to kill her dishonorable husband, Ktort.


0402-0406: Bch spends sixteen years on a planet in a temporal pocket. During this time she takes the Human crewman Messner as a mate and raises two sons, Val and Jay, to the ages of fourteen and thirteen.


9506: Vax is killed in battle and Bch becomes the head of the House of Bch.


9003: Vax’ mate is killed fighting unknown assassins.


7612: Bch’s sister Mnstral is born into the House of Vax.


7501: Bch is born into the honorable House of Vax.

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