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Problem Solving

"Problem Solving"

Log entry 29: SD 10504.06


Koga stood at his post onboard the Oira tapping buttons when hea heard the door to the Khre'Riov's chamber hiss open. He glanced over just in time to see his father step out. Koga bowed a little bit in respect as he passed by. "Jolan tru, My son." said the Deihu.


"Ahh, Jolan tru father. Are au enjoying aus stay onboard the Talon?" asked Koga. "Oh, ie. Immensely. A fine ship, this is commanded by a fine crew. I've every confidence we'll achieve our mission with these lot" replied the elder S'Bien.


"I see, your time here has proved fruitful as well" the Senator added. Koga smiled and nodded, omitting the little unfortunate reprimand he got from Maenak for frying Vosh on the Outpost. "Ie, father. My time on the Talon has been most rewarding for me" said Koga.


"Menkha. Then it was time well spent getting au a spot here. Although being so short handed after the Squid incident, it wasn't very hard at all" said the Deihu smirking. Koga smiled as well. The Deihu's demenour changed to a more professional one after that.


"Right then. I need au to do me a favour. Contact the Senior Staff and inform them that a meeting shall be taking place in about 10 minutes with myself and the Khre'Riov. Their presence will be required as it will be having to do with our mission and discussing aspects of the EPSILON superweapon"


"Of course Father, right away" said Koga as he fufilled his father's wishes. He tapped the Intercom button on his console, and broadcasted a message to the Senior Department Heads that their presence will be required for a meeting taking place in the Confrence Room in about 10 minutes with the Khre'Riov and the Deihu.


"There we go. Message has been sent" he confirmed. "Great, I'm now going to make my way to the Confrence Room ahead of time to prepare my presentation" said the Deihu as he entered the lift. It closed on him seconds later, leaving Koga basically alone on the Oira. Koga resumed his duties monitoring the internal power grid.

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