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Ambassador TSalik

Neutral Observers

At a proposed election site on Cardassia Prime, 0503.18:17:28


“Neutral observers will also confirm there is no evidence of military presence within a full 50-meter perimeter of the polling place,” Ambassador T’Salik noted, gesturing toward the proposed range.


The uniformed glinn beside her let out an exasperated breath.


The Vulcan diplomat merely glanced toward the Cardassian. No doubt the Centrist Party would benefit greatly if there were no controls against deploying military officers to do their own brand of overseeing. “The goal is to certify the legitimacy of this election,” she continued, “not merely the appearance.”


T’Salik turned her head, seeing one of her Bajoran colleagues rushing toward the group of political aides. She was among the all-too-few neutral volunteers here to observe and support Cardassia’s steps toward democracy.


“Ambassador,” she called, out of breath. Reaching the group, she thrust out an electronic tablet for them to see. “There’s been an attack. You’ll want to see this.”


T’Salik and the small group of minor Cardassian dignitaries huddled closer to the display, reading text alongside the images being shown. There was at least one audible gasp. “That’s the new mining facility on Hutet’s largest moon,” the Reunion delegate revealed, “the one the Federation helped renovate.”


“Stolen by the Free Cardassia movement! Outrageous!” shouted the Freedom Party delegate, reading aloud. “We would never support an attack on our own people! The Prime Minister has gone too far!”


T’Salik noted that such a statement didn’t exclude attacks on aliens like herself.


The glinn beside her looked simultaneously overconfident and flustered, puffing up in his bulky uniform. “He hasn’t gone far enough,” he sneered. “The military would never have allowed such a lapse in security. 100,000 more of our citizens dead. This is a death blow to the Reunionists and any thought of safety under civil rule.”


Dispassionate as ever, T’Salik ignored the emotional reactions around her, but examined instead the political subtext. More disturbing than the conflict in microcosm, her mind went back to converstation with Major Muldoon - proposing the low orbit option in their search for Ambassador Raumuk. This was exactly the type of incident that would send Yorktown closer to the homeworld. Despite herself, it was hard to dismiss the convenience.

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