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Sergio Giovanni

White Men Can't Jump

"White Men Can't Jump"

Log entry 25: 21 March, 2155


Sergio laid down on the cool dirt under the shade of a palm tree under the harsh Caitian sun as he rested with some of his assiatants after the basketball game the Challenger crew had versus the Caitians. It was the first of three "trials" they were to have with the Caitians to test the Challenger crew.


He was pretty much exhausted, but was happy that first contact with the Caitians were going so well. Sergio found the cat like alien race to be very hospitable and considerate given that they actually took the time to learn the English language and learn some of the human customs on Earth.


Now, being Italian born and bred, Sergio was slightly dissapointed to learn that their first trial was going to be a game of basketball. Basketball never being very popular in Italy, Sergio hadn't ever learned to play the sport. Although he was quite familiar with it since he was relatively familiar with the ancient National Basketball Association of the 20th and 21st centuries and had many old games on archived files back home in Monaco.


However at 6'6" and 201 lbs, Sergio used his height to his advantage and helped the Challenger crew win the basketball trials 2-0. Midway into the game, Sergio could see that the beer the Challenger crew gave to the Caitians proved too much for them. And by the end, most Caitians were passed out on the court intoxicated. Sergio knew that feeling for sure. And it was kinda funny to see the Caitians plastered like that.


They would however, get one more day of rest before their second trial would take place. Sergio felt a little nervous about it, wondering what it could be. Possibly hoping it's a rousing game of soccer. Although that past basketball game really ressembled a combination of soccer and rugby than traditional basketball. The game included kicking the ball and tackling opponents out of the way or to get possession of the ball, and many of the Challenger crew as well as some Caitians suffered some minor injuries due to the game.


The Caitians were a competitve bunch, he gave them that. Which made him all the more apprehensive towards the second and third trials that would take place in the days to come. The combination of stuffing his gut full of meat and beer, as well as the strenous activity of the basketball game had it's toll on Sergio as well. He felt like someone punched him the stomach.


He couldn't get up and laid down on the dirt under the shade. A nurse came over and gave him some Pepto Bismol to deal with his stomach ache. Though he still felt as if he was going to throw up any minute now. Sergio breathed labouriously and curled into a fetal position under the palm tree. The shade and the cool dirt proved to be the catalyst in preventing Sergio from throwing up, but still felt pretty bad. He was quite glad they had about a day to the next trials, and hoped that either he'd feel better by then, or he wouldn't have to take part in it.

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