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Sergio Giovanni



Log entry 24: 28 February, 2155


Travelling at a comfortable Warp 4.8, Ensign Walker relieves Sergio of the Helm console, so the Scientist can get to work composing his report on the Caitian homeworld the Challenger is set to visit. She is currently two days away from the planet.


Thanks to the data given to him by the Tellarite ambassador at the Columbia's launching ceremony, Sergio's task of performing the report proved that much easier.


FROM: Lieutenant Sergio Giovanni IV, Chief Science Officer

TO: Comodore Fitzgerald Moose, Commodore Elias Moore

DATE: 28 FEBRUARY 2155 - 23:03:10 ZULU




Planetoid Classification:

Homeworld: 15 Lycnis (Cait)

Location: Lynx Constellation

Class: M class planet

Position: 3rd in system

Number of planets in system: 8

Planet Classes: F, K, M, H, F, J, J, G

Main star: Type G3 V star, main sequence

Continents: 5

Climate: Extremely cold in the far southern continent, to tropical for continents near equator.



Master Race: Caitians

Classification: Feline, Bipedal

Technological Capabilities: 10 - Warp Capable species

Description: Sleek fur covered bodies, with soft fur covering their faces which hands about their heads like a lion's mane. They have golden eyes, a long tail and a purring quality in their voices. Body fur and hair colour varies by region. Appearance strongly resembles that of a Terran feline.


Addt'l Information: Ambundant flora and fauna found in all regions except for frozen southern continent.




((OOC: Sources cited: Caitian Tourist http://www.geocities.com/caitian_tourist/index.html


http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/3...ces/caitian.htm ))

Edited by Sergio Giovanni

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