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Laehval tTemarr

Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned

By Daise’Engineer El’Riov Laehval tTemarr



“Erein. Report.” Only half paying attention, the engineering Arrain peered at his ISD, sending the most recent repair updates to Main Engineering.


“AQS dampening field down ninety-five percent. Implosion is imminent. We all have two point oh seven siuren to live.”


“WHAT?!” Gaze snapping up, he immediately focused his attention on the Erein, his brain trying to process the information.


“I’m only teasing au! Elements! There are na even any alarms blaring. Au are too high strung.”


The resounding smack echoed through deck seven as the Arrain’s open palm connected with the back of the junior officer’s head.


“Do na EVER joke, tease, or make light of ANY situation involving the AQS. Au KNOW how Daise t’Temarr feels about the AQS. I may be high strung, but au will be strung high … by the neck … if she hears au speak in that manner. It is common knowledge that she does na have a sense of humor.”


Grumbling to himself, the Erein scowled and rubbed the back of his head, bending down to finish repairing the power linkage system. Satisfied that he’d made his point, the Arrain continued to make his rounds, moving on with only a single glare at the junior officer. Neither of them noticed Laehval standing a few paces away, inspecting deck seven’s repairs herself. Surprisingly, she slipped away without drawing attention to herself or the situation.


Back in her office, Laehval could not stop chuckling. She knew the rumors that circulated through the ship about her. Most of them she’d started herself to keep her department in line and to make certain that those that came seeking Engineering’s services had actually weighed the consequences. So far she’d overheard that she’d secretly killed her entire family, her former lover had disappeared under ‘mysterious’ circumstances, and that two officers who’d insulted her were transferred to other ships, but never actually made it to their new posts.


Most of the officers in her department knew that the worst of those rumors were untrue, but they couldn’t help but wonder if a few of the tales had some factual basis. Laehval cared not in the least. Her reputation kept her department compliant. Her engineers were efficient and thorough, carrying out every detail of their orders. Most feared what she might do if they were found to be lacking. Her eternally sour facade was enough to keep them from questioning her command, and her infrequency for meting out serious punishment kept her officers from rebelling. The few that didn’t actually fear her, like tr’Pexil and t’Bat’ok, were the only ones with true potential. She envisioned both of them with commands of their own one day.


With her complete trust in tr’Pexil and t’Bat’ok to see to the completion of the repairs, the Daise’Engineer settled at her desk to read through the Talon’s daily activity log. Most of the news centered upon the repairs of the ship, various malfunctions in different departments, and requests for assistance. Laehval skimmed through those, already intimate with that information. Searching for anything of interest, she paused on a certain ship report about their newly arrived executive officer and his incarceration. She had heard rumors, of course, but had not investigated to discover the details.


According to reports from the bridge, tr’Psichore was given brig time because of his inability to control the situation in security. Her eyebrows rose at that news. In her opinion, tr’N’dak should be the one to take responsibility and the punishment. His deficiencies as a leader were painfully obvious. She wondered if she should give him some advice about handling his department. It was clear that his methods – the beatings, incarceration, and public humiliation – were not effective. It seemed to her that because his officers neither feared nor respected him he’d created a fertile breeding ground for mutiny. Despite her inherent dislike for the Daise’Dheno, she did not wish to see anyone fall prey to Enarrain t’Rexan’s venomous demeanor.


Unlike most of the new officers who had yet to discover the true nature of their Enarrain, Laehval had plenty of insight to offer. She and t’Rexan had been at odds since the transfer of the Talon’s command to the insufferable woman. Laehval had openly disagreed with the Enarrain’s unorthodox command techniques and suffered for it. She disliked t’Rexan’s greed, preferring to let her own sense of duty rule her rather than her lust for power. Consequently, she had been demoted several ranks out of spite. Setting aside her pride had been one of the hardest things Laehval had ever done. Because she refused to see the care of the Talon fall to anyone less dedicated, she’d forced herself to work with the woman. It helped that the Enarrain now respected her autonomy in Engineering and rarely interfered. Laehval did her best to never give her reason to meddle. She would never like their current captain (and it was extremely tempting to wish deadly harm to befall the woman every time she stepped off the ship), but Laehval could now tolerate her command as long as t’Rexan considered the care of the Talon and her crew to be of the highest priorities.


She saw in the current security compliment the same belligerence that had once plagued her own service record. tr’N’dak’s department was swiftly traveling down the same path she’d once tread, inciting t’Rexan’s anger again and again. Though she did draw some small amusement from their mishaps, she sympathized with their situation, knowing how brutal the Enarrain could be. Even worse, they now had to contend with Daise’Erei’Riov tr’Psichore and had already tainted his opinion of them. She had not yet interviewed with the illustrious second-in-command, but his reputation was enough that she remained wary. She was wise enough to give him a wide berth until she was acquainted with his ways.


Finishing the remaining reports, Laehval rose from her chair, tossed the ISD on her desk, and strode from her office. If she hurried, she’d have time for a bite to eat before making her rounds to oversee the preparatory work for when they reached the repair station. Perhaps, if she had time, she would schedule an interview with tr’N’dak. The new officers had some hard lessons to learn and she still wasn’t entirely sure she should interfere. After all, the best way to learn was to learn from one’s mistakes. Unfortunately, on the RES Talon, those mistakes might cause the Senior Staff to pitch one out of the nearest airlock. She mused on that for quite a while, making bets on who would be the first victim.

Edited by Laehval tTemarr

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