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Neptune Rex

Enter Meteora

Gov. Neptune Rex

February 21, 2155




The Repulse, an older warp-3 ship, slowed to sub-light speed with the unmistakable lurch of the older less sophisticated ships. The harsh drop took Neptune a bit by surprise. His time on Challenger had spoiled him, he thought to himself, as he stood a few feet behind the command chair of the Repulse.


“Well Governor,” the Captain said in a accent that unmistakably French. “Here we are, Meteora.”


The light blue skies of Meteora filled the viewscreen. It was an oceanic planet, with many islands and few large landmasses. Situated in-between the primary Blue Giant and secondary Dwarf stars of the system, it was blessed with warm-temperate weather for all 410 of its solar days.


The three moons loomed in the distance, the second of which was a habitable M-class that Neptune imagined they would eventually expand the colony to. The third moon was the most interesting though. Kite, as it had been named, was much like Mars. A disty semi-M-Class with a wispy atmosphere, Kite had ruins of an ancient civilization never before encountered…even by the Vulcans—or at least that’s what they had told the Humans—something told Neptune they weren’t being entirely honest about that.


Circling with Meteora, a beautiful ringed gas-giant, two asteroid belts, and three frozen ice cubes classified as Polar-Inhabitable.


The colony itself had barely been set-up for less than 3 months, and there was still a lot of construction work left on the docket.


“Governor,” the Captain said, breaking Neptune from his surreal gaze of the planet before him. “You’re affects have already been loaded onto the shuttle pod, the Colony has given us clearance for landing.”


“And the supplies?”


“Already disembarking now.”






The shuttle-pod carrying Neptune, as well as Captain Jean-Bezu Loren, made a soft gentle landing on the sandy area that served as the make-shift port in the “capitol” of Meteora.


They were greeted almost immediately by the colony’s senior civilian administrator, as well as Major John Shanks, the Marine/Security/Military Advisor for the Colony.


“Governor,” Alexi Roman, the Administrator, said extending his hand. “Welcome to New Havana.”


Neptune shook Alexi’s hand firmly. “Mr. Roman, I presume.”


“That would be correct,” Alexi said, motioning for the luggage carriers to begin off-loading Neptune’s belongings.


“And you,” Neptune said, extending his hand to Shanks, “I am going to put my neck out and say are Major Shanks.”

Shanks, a tall, rippled man of 6’4” with short, jet black hair, smiled slowly. “That would be correct Governor.”


Shanks roused to attention as Captain Loren exited the shuttle pod.


“At ease, Major.”


Neptune motioned. “This is Captain Loren, of the Repulse. I under stand they are being assigned to our sector for protection, as well as making milk-runs between here and Earth.”


Shanks blinked slowly, this was apparently news to him. “No need to worry Major,” Loren said knowingly. “You are still the ranking military officer on the planet, and have full control over any such matters. Most of our time will be spent either out mapping the sector, or making supply runs to Earth.”


Shanks seemed relieved at this. At least this fleeter didn’t try and horn in on his duties.


“Governor,” Alexi said, “Not to interrupt, but your affects have been loaded on to the transport, we’ve arranged for you a tour of the facility. I assumed you’d want to relax some from your…trip…before you got down to administrative duties.”


“Very well,” Neptune said nodding. “Lead the way.”


“Oh and we’ve arranged for a beachside banquet in your honor this evening at 28:00.”


Neptune smiled. That was going to be one of the hardest things for him to get used to, the 37.5 hour days, 26 of which were filled with the dazzlingly warm rays of not one but two stars. How he was ever going to find time to enjoy it?



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