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Saek tr'Vosh

After the good stuff...

Vosh stood...as best he could...waiting for the lift to stop. When it did, however, the sudden shift in pressure threw his equalibrium off and he almost fell into the wall. "Elements......." said Vosh as he quickly brushed past a young Erein..tapping his chest with his fist in response to the officers salute. The muffled thud of the toaster on his sternum was barely noticeable..."I have to get this blasted thing off..before I knock myself out." Saek laughed to himself..if he was a Lloann'na officer he would have clocked himself in the head with their way of saluting, already. His friends would call him a lightweight if they saw him now.


...It all started after he and Koga had returned to the Talon...completed their mission brief reports and went 10-42..off duty. The plan was to go back and have a couple shots of Kogas aged Rihan Ale. Seemed like a good plan.


He had told Koga about his mother and father...the good, the bad...the worse. What he had na told him was of how much trouble he had gotten in at school. Ie, his father had superimposed all his dreams and desires on Saek...probably at the behest of his mother, in hindsight...but Saek had chosen to rebel. "Let Ll'eona be the good seed" he remembered telling his father after coming in late...wreaking of Ale and vomit. The child of the Empires most prominent physician had a legacy to live up to...and Saek knew all to well what his parents expected of him.


Saek could tell how important family was to Koga..and talking with him at length, he even discovered it was important to him as well...not as much for his mother..but in contacting Ll'eona and checking in on his little sister. However, the conversation took longer than expected and io shot turned into thi...then ten...by the time Saek left..they had consumed most of the remainder of the bottle. In a rather nice gesture..or else simply to get rid of Saek..Koga gave him the rest of the bottle.


It was already getting late and Vosh needed to get some rest before his next shift on the Oira. On the lift, leaving Kogas, he ran into a young Erein he had been flirting with..covertly. Apparently, the timing was impeccable..and after a couple hours of getting to know each other...Vosh left her quarters..empty bottle in tow...


And so..finally, here he stood in his quarters...he planned on making some toast...and the thought of toast filled his mind even as the empty bottle fell to the floor and Voshes body collapsed across his bed...


What a night.........

Edited by Saek tr'Vosh

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