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You're the bomb!

As probe six moved to fire, sparks began to fly in the forward torpedo launcher. Alarms sounded on the bridge and in engineering indicating a mechanical failure of some sort. Worse, the tactical console was indicating that the timer on the probe had started.


Captain Michaels stood and both he and Commander Ridire turned to face Murray. “Report!” Ridire barked.


Murray tapped away at his console, retrieving information on the situation. “Captain, there is an equipment malfunction. Probe six is stuck!”


Commander Ridire took this in and frowned. “Have transporter room one lock onto the probe and beam it into space.”


But Murray had something more pressing on his mind. “Captain, we have a bigger problem. The timer on the probe has activated!”


Captain Michaels opened his mouth and closed it, not sure what to say. “Crapet bomb the asteroid…heck, we’re going to blow ourselves up.”


“Get that probe out of there, now!” Ridire yelled.


Murray hit the com. “Transporter room, lock on to the misfired probe in the torpedo launcher and beam it off the ship!”


The tension level rose with each passing second. Murray tapped a finger impatiently.


“I can’t get a transporter lock!” The response from the transporter room was not the one everyone was hoping for.


Murray began to get flustered, then recomposed himself. He needed to be calm and collected, or at least as calm and collected as one could be when a probe threatens to do a massive redesign of the hull. “Transporter room, I’m going to attempt transport from tactical. Engineering, give me everything you’ve got for the transporters.”


Murray’s hands flew across his console. It replied with a warning beep. He tried again with the same results. “Captain, I still can’t get a transporter lock. Attempting a molecular resolution transport.”


Seconds ticked away. The probe was closer to detonating in the torpedo launcher. Adrenaline pumped through Murray’s body; he started to break into a sweat as he worked feverishly to get that transporter lock, but the computer continued to beep away in the negative.


“Sir, I still cannot get a transporter lock. There must be too much interference from the launcher and all of the explosives down there.” Murray sounded almost apologetic.


If the probe went off inside the magazine, it would create an explosion that would ignite the remaining torpedoes…ones with antimatter inside, as opposed to the comparatively harmless probes. Security might just get that window in their office after all.

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