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Biography: Ens. SJonus

Name: Jonus (sjonus)

Sex: Male

Age:44 (but looks 28)

Race: Human/El-Aurian

Rank: Ensign

Position: Science - Temporal and Quantum Mechanics

Education: Bachelors in Geology

              Bachelors in Psychology

              PhD in Temporal Mechanics, minor in Quantum Theoretical Applications


    He was born Sal'run Jonus on stardate 6540.45 (2329) to a Human father and an El-Aurian mother.  The birth was nothing special as he was in a cargo bay, on a transport vessel, at the time.  His family was fleeing from a civil war that had broken out on a small "M" class planet, on which they were staying.  During their travels, Sal'run's mother gave birth to him, and thus began the life of Jonus (the name by which he goes now).

    Jonus's father was an acclaimed terra-former and his mother had the ability of seeing beyond the normal confines of sight.  His mother's race has always been known to have special abilities, beyond what a Terran would, but it would take a few years for those to develop in Jonus.  As Jonus proceeded through life, he had the opportunity to visit several worlds and learn from many different cultures; all the while living life to the fullest, and still being considered a child (in El-Aurian terms).

    By the time Jonus was 25, he had received a degree in Geology and was becoming a welcomed addition to his father's group of scientists; however, Jonus always kept looking to the stars to find the answer to the question that was nagging him inside -- "What else is there?"  His question was about to be answered.

    The next two years began a turbulent change for Jonus: his father was killed in a tragic shuttle accident, leaving only his mother; whom he was quite close to now.  His mother began showing him the way to open his mind to the cosmos and "feel" the fabric of space.  Over the next several months, Jonus spent much of his time in deep meditation until one day he moved beyond the normal realm of space as we know it.  The room began to shift and Jonus felt himself upon the surface of a world he had never been before.  He was an observer of a world at its formation.  The experience was disconcerting at first, but later exhilarating.  His mother tried to rouse him from the 'sensation' but was unable to.  After a week in a type of coma, he was brought back by his mother linking with him.  After this experience he was finally able to understand what his mother had been trying to show him all these years: the universe was open to him, as well as time and space which he was now beginning to understand.  

    After four years of intense dedication and study, Jonus received another degree in temporal mechanics.  He realized he wanted to be out among the stars to begin his practical applications and the only sure way to ensure that was Starfleet.  He applied with the Academy, yet had to wait a while longer because his mother became quite ill.  For the next eight years he stayed with her and took care of her every need.  During his free time, he continued his studies and received his PhD in Temporal Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics.  After the long struggle, he mother died as well and Jonus continued with his life.

    He was finally able to go back to the Academy and wasted little time in graduating with honours, and awaiting his first posting.  During the Academy, Jonus had excelled in scientific studies, and operational studies.  After receiving the rank of Ensign, as a Starfleet officer, he was hoping for a posting on a science vessel and soon he got his wish by being posted on the prestigious USS Manticore.  Thus begins a new chapter in the life of Ensign Sal'run Jonus, PhD.  (Dr. Jonus)

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