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Tangible Aromas

The Counselor of the starship Arcadia turned on her heels and began to pace back along the path she had made into the carpet of the bridge. By a counselor's standards, the past couple days had been horrific. Andrea was present for most of the troubles and the last event was the icing on the cake. Another turn. With each step, her dread and regret worsened.


Andrea crossed her arms now and poised momentarily before the viewscreen. She stared into the now familiar backdrop of Risa, flowing in step with the ships orbit. The beautiful scene of a perfectly pristine planet and its solar system in the background was enough to make anyone want to jump ship and take up residence. However, this visit was different. After spending time in another dimension where this same beautiful planet was used as a penal colony, Risa just wasnt going to be the same.


The Counselors eyes glazed over as her mind raced back to her encounter with the ships Engineer in sickbay. She recalled giving several suggestions to Jaruq's problem, but all were disregarded. Couldnt they have even attempted to bring Tom back safely? They are one of the best crew among the finest fleet in the Galaxy, and they couldnt figure out a simple pattern degradation issue?


Technologically, they had come so far, and yet, they still had quite a distance to go. Perhaps they had spent too much time on medications to dampen the pain in the 20th and 21st centuries, and not enough time on cures. Maybe if their love for power and wealth were not a driving force then, just perhaps they would be futher along today.


Perhaps. But all that was in the past, now. Even in the alternate dimension, factors that could have changed for a better future did not happen. In fact, it seemed as though they were WORSE off. What a horrible thought it was to consider having to remain in a time not your own and try to fit in, knowing the possibilities of alternate choices. Perhaps that knowledge could help this alternate dimension. Perhaps Thomas would actually bring some healing or change in his new realm. And perhaps his way of life just might bring about a revolution in his new time.


One could only hope for the best.


Right at the last moment, just before Andrea left sickbay with Commander Jaruq contemplating his future, Andrea caught a glimpse of his expression. He was standing by a molecular diagnostic scanner looking straight forward. As suddenly as she had glanced his way and disappeared through the doorway, she felt an overwhelming feeling of confidence. Though she couldnt justify the feeling from the expressions on the room, it was undeniably present. It was like something tangible in the room. As if feelings or senses of being had aromas. And this one smelled calming, like lavender.


Taking in a long breath and remembering the smell of lavender again, Sr. Lt Knlwtchr unfolded her arms and looked over towards the viewscreen again. Her mind was filled with the confidence of a Commander about to embark on a whole new journey; a test of his most sharpened abilities; a Final Frontier. A sudden gush of envy swept over her.


And she was all the more proud for having made his acquaintance

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