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Scooby Doo and Rok, too

Rok frowned..Vulcan stoicism be damned.


It was all too perfect. His first opportunity to be Head of Security and his CO was dying or dead: Another Member of the command staff now resembled a Lollipop Guild member; yet another of the command staff had her voice box altered and now spoke only in buzzes and clicks. AND as if that scenario wasnt replete enough with opportunities for disaster, there was a rogue AI loose onboard with a Toast Fetish and todays forcast called for a 90% chance of Ion storms...


Thank Shaka Ri that the effects of the drugs from Doctor Maxwell had now subsided and he was able to rationally deal with the emotions he was experiencing.

He had not forgotten that once this ordeal was over, he would more than likely face a court martial and possible expulsion from Star Fleet. For that reason it was imperitive that he perform his duties beyond expectations. When the hammer fell, all he would have to rely on to exonerate him were the circumstances surrounding his medical condition and his record. He could not let his situation or his crewmates health concerns distract him...now that theirs as well as the rest of the crews safety was his top priority. He typed to a PADD as he stood organizing his thoughts...


*Security Recommendations*


1. Guard for Medical-Admiral Blurrox will, upon regaining consciousness, try to return to command regardless of Doctor Maxwells orders.


2. Linguist for Commander Kwai-Determine if anyone can translate for her


3. Escort for Capt. Kawalas-Assign an escort to assist her movements throughout the ship.


4. Prepare a Virtual Toaster Oven- Coodinate with Engineering on the feasibility of creating a Holo-program of the Republic and trapping "Holly" -the Toast Ghost in the Machine-inside...a Ship in a bottle experiment.


5. Ionization Protocol- Coordinate with Dr Maxwell on the potential effects Ionized particles would have on our crew...recommend General Quarters or move all non-essential crew to inner compartments.


Rok read over the PADD quickly...it was a start... now..to get to work.

Edited by Ki'rok

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4. Prepare a Virtual Toaster Oven- Coodinate with Engineering on the feasibility of creating a Holo-program of the Republic and trapping "Holly" -the Toast Ghost in the Machine-inside...a Ship in a bottle experiment.


]Actually, Will and Trepp already has a program for containing her, just see them about re-implimenting it, to try to contain her program in a safe venue once again. Holly has been, and is still considered a sentient member of the crew, and the utmost care must be taken not to harm her.



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] Holly has been, and is still considered a sentient member of the crew, and the utmost care must be taken not to harm her.



don't harm her...::rubbing buttered left temple::


.....yeah, right.....::grape jam slipping behind right ear::

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