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Laehval tTemarr

Injustice for All

Injustice for All


Daise’Engineer El’Riov Laehval t’Temarr




"Warning – Hull breach in progress. Escape pod malfunction. Implosion imminent. Inertial dampening field status critical. AQS ejection failed. Singularity failure imminent.”


Thick smoke billowed from sparking consoles, threatening to choke the life from the harried souls that flitted from station to station. The atmosphere was charged with fear and panic, almost tangible in form. Alarms blared through the enclosed space, amplified by the thick, black haze that was quickly driving away all breathable air. Warning lights flashed at every console, a blinding display of the impending doom that certainly awaited them. Screams and shouts pierced the murk, pitched to carry above the alarms, explanations kept short out of necessity. It was hard to give detailed information while gasping for breath.


Laehval stood in the center of the cacophony, her senses assailed at every possible angle. Frantic engineers rushed from one station to the next, unable to keep their balance at times as the floor dropped beneath them, the ship bucking, rocking, and shuddering as if in its death throes. Terrified expressions flickered past her in a blur. Some clung to their desperate hope, working frantically. Some sat despondent and unseeing, the starkness of reality slapping them into shock. Others wailed, cries of terror torn from their throats as they realized their efforts were for nothing. All of them looked to her. All of them expected an answer, a miracle, a flicker of hope.


But Laehval simply stood in silence and stared at them all. And smiled.


“How can au smile at a time like this?!” A crewman hovered at her elbow, her expression incredulous at Laehval’s apathy. “The Talon is going to explode! We’re all about to die!”


Slowly, she turned to look at her assistant, her maniacal smile still plastered on her face. “Because, Erein, if the ship explodes and we all die, it means that t’Rex will be dead as well. I think it is worth the price, do au na?”


“But … but …” The male sputtered, still in shock. “Laehval! The Enarrain was in the first group to beam off the ship before the transporters went off line! She and the rest of the command staff are safe! Even N’Dak got away!”


Laehval’s eyes widened in surprise. “NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…….”


And the Talon exploded in a brilliant display that was enjoyed by one and all.






Laehval jerked awake, her body drenched in sweat. Heart beating rapidly, she quickly sat up in bed, gasping for breath. She could still smell the acrid smoke in her nostrils, still feel the sting of the haze in her eyes. Peering frantically around the room, it took her a few moments to realize that she’d only been dreaming. One hand pressed to her chest, she willed herself to calm down as the adrenaline rush tapered off. Panting, she fell back into her pillows, staring at the ceiling of her room.


Just a dream. Only a dream. Not real. Elements, but that seemed real!


Rolling on her side, she clutched a pillow to her and curled about it, squeezing her eyes shut against the nightmare. Once her body had been assured that the terror it had felt was nothing more than a silly dream, Laehval was finally able to relax. The details faded away as she slowly came to total wakefulness. The words echoed in her mind, however.


Even N’Dak got away.


Not able to help the giggles that rose to the surface, the engineer had soon dissolved into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. To think of all the horrors she’d seen and all of the suffering she’d lived through, and her most ghoulish nightmare featured t’Rex and N’Dak. It had occurred to her that she’d probably never leave the Talon if something were to happen to the ship. Her own persistent nature was of the type that she could leave no possible solution (no matter how unlikely) untested. She would probably explode with the rest of the ship while still trying to save it.


But why would such a hellish dream come to her now, of all times?


Sliding out of bed, Laehval stumbled to the replicating unit and ordered herself a mug of her favored blend of lukewarm tea. Settling into the comfortable chair behind her desk, feet drawn up beneath her in the seat, she sipped at her drink, mulling over the events of late. Risking life and limb was a large part of being in the Galae. She’d known that when she joined. And what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger … unless, of course, that thing that doesn’t kill you actually maims you and the Daise’Maenak throws you into stasis because you’ve outlived your usefulness. Snorting at her cynical nature, she turned her gaze to the portal in her room, peering out at the stars and the planet beyond.


From space, every planet was beautiful. But then one stepped foot on the surface and its true nature was always revealed. The gelatinous creatures didn’t bother her in the slightest. They seemed to be dangerous, granted, and all teeth, but they could – and would – be killed. And engineering had made certain that such a thing would come about.


The dheno staff now had weapons that would serve their purpose and beyond, able to destroy mass quantities of these creatures relatively quickly. With the scanning program in place as well, they would be able to locate the hostile beings even through all of the sensor static in the area. And if they still weren’t able to destroy the creatures with those two gifts just laid at their feet, Laehval was of the opinion that the Talon should leave them to fend for themselves. The ship had survived with minimal security before.


Turning her attention back to her quarters, Laehval sighed heavily. A quick glance to the wall chronometer on the wall told her that her shift would start in just a few hours. She’d never be able to get back to sleep and even if she did, it would not be restful. Might as well get a few reports done while she had the time. Bare feet dropping to the floor, she leaned on her desk and powered up her terminal. In moments, she’d immersed herself the tons of paperwork that came with the job. Funny, that upon accepting the position as head of her department, she hadn’t realized that the Daise’Engineer never did any actual engineering. Ah, the injustices of the universe.

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