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Travis Kroells

Simming experience

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Heh, I was just thinking about this. Being reminded of the Arc's tenth b-day, and A9's simming aniversary a bit back, makes me ask. What have you all done roleplaying wise?


Please state where you've all been (If you can still remember, heh) and wether it was Live, Play By Email, Message Board, or something else!


Uh...I havent dont that many, so I think these are in Chronological order.


USS Reaent (Live) (Still active)

Offical Pikmin War (Message Board) (No longer active)

Resident Evil: The Nightmare Begins (Message Board) (Active)

Sky Harbor Aegis (Live) (Inactive)

Startrek (Cant remember name) (Live) (Inactive)

Metal Gear Solid: Chains of Destiny (Message Board) (Inactive)

USS Manticore (Live) (Active)

USS Qob-Lakota (Live) (Inactive)

Stargate SG-1 RPG (Message Board) (Active)


That's all that I can remember...I might be missing one..or a few. Kinda weird to think of all I've done in just three years. The Reaent was my first sim...heh.


As for the Startrek one that I couldn't remember the name, that was the one that You and me were on Vanroy, on MSN...If you can remember it, shoot me the name.

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As for the Startrek one that I couldn't remember the name, that was the one that You and me were on Vanroy, on MSN...If you can remember it, shoot me the name.

That goes back a ways, doesn't it? There was the USS Enterprise F but I think you joined when I became XO of the... Gosh, I can't remember it either! I do remember the group folded before our ship really launched because the "Admiral" was a jerk and closed the group because Mills and I wanted to run the ship differently than what he wanted.


I remember most of our crew were early STSF graduates who were also on or had recently left the Reaent. I think you're the only one still there.

Edited by Dumbass

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Actually, I do believe the Arcadia is celebrating it's 12th birthday this year. And the Internet was actually invented in 1969, but didn't become available to the general public till the early 90s, (91 or 92?) Anyways, in chronological order, my list of previous RPGs I attended.


USS Republic (STSF - Live chat based, active)

USS Hood (STSF - Live, chat based, active)

USS Arcadia (STSF - Live, chatbased, active)

USS Stirling (IND - Live, chatbased, active)

USS Yellowstone (IND - Live, chatbased, inactive - resigned)

USS Valour (IND - Live,chatbased, inactive, sim closed down)

USS Prometheus/Slipsteam (IND - Live, chatbased, inactive - resigned)

USS Phantom (IND - Live, chatbased, inactive - resigned)

USS Devine Hope (IND - Play-by-email, inactive, sim closed down)

USS ??? (IND - Messageboard, inactive - resigned)

USS Excalibur (STSF - Live, chatbased, inactive - resigned)

RES Talon (STSF - Live, chatbased, active)

UES Challenger (STSF - Live, chatbased, active)


I think that's all the sims I attended. :P


IND = Independant group

Edited by Seiben

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well, this is going to be a weird one for you guys to here, but then again, it's coming from me, so, don't laugh to much.


Star Wars role-playing (by myself, yes, by myself. It was about 6-7 years ago, and no one my age was capable of reading a book above their reading level)


then I stopped for a few years, for the lack of, well, people.


back around april, I read an ENT book, which made me interested in role-playing again. I went to ST.COM, and found this site.


In a topic on these boards, an ENT-era sim was being discussed, and I relized I could google and find other groups. Through that, I found the SLA, where I joined the Lexington, a hit pbem sim there, and after a month of waiting for someone to make a post, I kindda gave up on it. Thought of joining the third ship (Lex was the first), but gave up on the SLA. Although there was one guy there, SJet, that I still make references to every now and then.


Around the ENT-post was also one about earlier sims, which sparked AA. Which, I admit, I was a part of. :P


Later, during Reagan's death, volch started the ISS, which I joined. Never got any ships out of dry-dock tho, so, don't think it's still alive.


I continued to get offers for small sim groups, but I have turned all down (I did look, it was just that the ships didn't interset me)


Around a month or so ago, I joined the STSS (Igor's), along with the Pride. As of now, I have no idea what is going on there right now. Oh, my character was "Mackenzie McCool," which is apparently hard to spell.


Well, atleast B3 should be easy for the crew of the Aegis to spell.


Oh, and as for STSF, the only real sim I've done would be the Challenger, I only lasted for one log, because sharp sword-like weapons in your stomach can kinda be a problem. ^_^

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ok thisis more dorkey than darrik.


from about 1/2 year ago to now my firends and myself nhave been playing a bord game type rp... dungeons and dragons but with our own map/ rules/ charactors/ species/ worlds/ democracy, we bascally have a small planet that we use... i am a klingon


er you may heve seen catboydale around yesterday... hes our GM

Edited by koolaidman

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well, this is going to be a weird one for you guys to here, but then again, it's coming from me, so, don't laugh to much.


Star Wars role-playing (by myself, yes, by myself. It was about 6-7 years ago, and no one my age was capable of reading a book above their reading level)


then I stopped for a few years, for the lack of, well, people.


back around april, I read an ENT book, which made me interested in role-playing again. I went to ST.COM, and found this site.


In a topic on these boards, an ENT-era sim was being discussed, and I relized I could google and find other groups. Through that, I found the SLA, where I joined the Lexington, a hit pbem sim there, and after a month of waiting for someone to make a post, I kindda gave up on it. Thought of joining the third ship (Lex was the first), but gave up on the SLA. Although there was one guy there, SJet, that I still make references to every now and then.


Around the ENT-post was also one about earlier sims, which sparked AA. Which, I admit, I was a part of. :P


Later, during Reagan's death, volch started the ISS, which I joined. Never got any ships out of dry-dock tho, so, don't think it's still alive.


I continued to get offers for small sim groups, but I have turned all down (I did look, it was just that the ships didn't interset me)


Around a month or so ago, I joined the STSS (Igor's), along with the Pride. As of now, I have no idea what is going on there right now. Oh, my character was "Mackenzie McCool," which is apparently hard to spell.


Well, atleast B3 should be easy for the crew of the Aegis to spell.


Oh, and as for STSF, the only real sim I've done would be the Challenger, I only lasted for one log, because sharp sword-like weapons in your stomach can kinda be a problem. ^_^

oops. forgot d&d.


Around 3 years ago, a friend bought the guide book. I saw it, and bought it from the store, and was hoping I could play with him. but, the teacher told him he can't have it becasue it had a man's atantamy in it.


well, as far as I know, he doesn't play, and I played by myself. i bought some demo version, and played 3 characters and gmed by myself.


oh, and I have around 10 SW guide books. the second edition i think.

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Well, my friend introduced me to Tunnels and Trolls, a D&D clone. I've never played the actual D&D, but T&T is quite fun, if you have enough creative minds.


Another friend enlisted me in a now inactive message board sim, it's inactive because there are too few members. I believe I made the most recent post. It hasn't been inactive for awhile, and there's a chance of survival, but I hope not.


I found STSF by accidentally clicking on the wrong link at startrek.com. I seriously didn't mean to go here. :P But then I read the front page and checked out the message boards and decided to join. Now, a few months later, I'm addicted to simming. It's a great socially nonsocial activity. Or is it nonsocially social?

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Thank goodness for young'uns, who get us old folks rambling for hours about the good 'ole days.


Whoever said that the Arcadia is approaching its 12th anniversary is correct. I've only been there for ten of them though. Ironicaly, the night we launched Challenger was exactly 10 years to the night from when I first attended the Starfleet Academy on AOL.


When I was in college learning computer programming on punch cards, the only mainframe computer games you could find had some Star Trek theme to them, so when I got my first AOL account the first thing I did was look for a Star Trek game. I couldn't imagine what else AOL was good for. This was AOL Ver 2.0 btw, the first windows version. But when I was posted to the Arcadia, I discovered that I really preferred running AOL Ver 1.3 on my DOS 286 machine, so I used that. We paid by the hour back then, so most communication took place via email that you sent using a "flash session".


This wasn't my first role-playing experience. I had played Dungeons and Dragons in college with a group called the "Society for Creative Anacronisms". But these were folks who would knit chain-mail armour in their spare time, and they failed to see the humor in my character "Valium the Elf". If a "Trekkies" type movie had ever been made about D & D fans, it would have starred that group.


So I was thrilled to find a role-playing group that was fun without taking themselves too, too seriously. And I found that I really enjoyed writting logs. I had never done any creative writting before joining this club, and it became something I really loved.


So, the history of Moose (in chronological order):


USS Arcadia - (STSF / SFOL) - Still crazy after all those years

USS Bismark - (Internet Newsgroup PBM)

USS Renegade - (IND) - Captained by LtCol Dana Quest btw

USS Regayov - (SFOL) - formerly the USS Voyager, but AOL made us change the name when the TV series started

USS Ranger - (SFOL)

Challenger, NX-05 - (STSF)

Plus more shifts at the Starfleet Academy than I can count.


One more historical note, before I stop rambling and take my meds. The Bismark, mentioned above, was the first game I was in where they published a roster on a website. It was all text, with no graphics, and I remember thinking, "Ok, so I can look this up from anywhere. Who's gonna bother with that?"


Gotta go. Time for shuffleboard.



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Well...I haven't been around as long as Moothusula, but I have been around for half of that time. I started simming on AOL back in 1999, AOL 3.0 (4.0 was out by then, but my computer couldn't handle the upgrade...windows 3.1 for ya!)


I played for a little while, got bored, and came back months later. That's when I got hooked! ^_^ Here's my simming history in chronological order.


Starbase Aegis (STSF/SFOL): Later to be known as Sky Harbor Aegis, still active.

USS Phoenix (FKA/SFOL): Was on this ship for a couple years, long enough to survive my first experiences with FredM.

USS Phantom Horizon (SFOL): Short stint...sim no longer exists.

USS Reaent (STSF/SFOL): Still active. :)

USS ????????? (STSF): What's next...who knows? :P

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STSF is my first experience with online roleplaying sim's. I've mostly played online game's like Doom, Duke Nukem, and Jedi Knight. I am an rpg'er from way back though. I started back in the early 70's when the first Star Trek RPG's were released, then through high school and college with Star Trek, Ninja Turtle's, D&D, and whatnot. Of course not I'm on the IKC Qob/Lakota and U.S.S. Challenger NX-05 here on STSF.



"Meow, I say meow boy."

Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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Same as the Meowboy above me.


I have never roleplayed in Trek outside of STSF before.

I didn't exist in the 70s.

I'm not on any ship.

What about the "I'm not a cat" part? :P

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Remembers my first encounter with finding a Star Trek sim on the computer. It was actually my husband, that showed it to me. At the time I had no idea of what a computer was and avoided getting anywhere near it. He found an Academy running in a chatroom, so had me watch. I made the mistake of answering an IM, asking if I'd like to join it...and...well, here I am today. My husband still curses the day he showed me, cause now he can't get me OFF the computer, and that I spend my vacations with "those people"...lol. I think at my Annual Crab Fest 3 years ago, I finally gave away that first AOL 1.3 disk that I started playing with, as a doorprize...lol. For some reason, I think Laura got it, not sure.


Anyway, here's where I've been, and where I'm still at......


Online gaming:




USS Republic 10 years [sTSF/SFOL] - Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox, CO/XO Caitian


USS Hood- [sTSF/SFOL] – Off and on for 10 years,

Commander Coballa Azure, CO/XO (Andorian)

Admiral Bethany (Terran) Recurring SGV and resident PITA

Ensign Ricky (Terran) Has died several times (Bethany's nephew)

Ensign Peach and many others that are classified!


RES Talon – 6 years – [sTSF/SFOL] - Khre’Riov L’haiy t’Rexan CO (Rihannsu Sim)

and a few previous SGV's.


Qob/Lakota – [sTSF/SFOL] Recurring SGV’s (classified)


Other Sims:


RES Khellian – 8 years - [FKA} Daise Erei’Riov Be’luh t’Rahks XO/Tactical (Rihannsu Sim)


USS Surak –[sFOL] 2 years Lt Commander T’Zea (Vulcan) CMO


USS Leviathan – ;SFOL] 2 more years Lt Commander T’Zea (Vulcan) CMO (formerly the USS Surak)


USS Ares – [sFOL/USF] Lt. Kliba Turchino (Saurian), Science, and other SGV’s.


USS Hawking – [sFOL] Lt Azul something-or-other (Saurian) Science


USS Odyssey – [sFOL] Lt. Danube (Terran) Security


USS Phantom Menace [sFOL] (honestly don’t remember the name of this one, Terran)


Way too many nights in the old AOL Ten Forward Lounge, back when it was good…..


Various SGV roles other ships


And like Moose, more Academies and Boot Camps and Lounges, than I can count. 8 years of blowing up and torturing: oh, I mean…mentoring cadets in many, many ways!!



Live Action Role Playing – These are 2-3 day weekend long events that run the full weekend, and are played in full costume, with multiplayer interaction, usually with between 50-90 players. Have played many roles with the Wilmark Dynasty group over the last 15 years. (Examples: Romulan Ambassador, Medusa, Cinderella’s evil stepmother, evil mage, Scottish peasant, evil mage, witch, witch, possessed peasant…oh wait, crud, I’m getting type-cast, aren’t I? And next year, it’s Machiavelli’s Last Gasp…good chance at an fun role again!! Muhahahaha!)


Table Top - Yes, a group of nerds around a table with pizza, soda, chips and dice


USS Lincoln – Lt. M’Rreen Caitian (1988-1996) Weekly Table-Top gaming based on FASA Star Trek Role-playing system. Bring your own dice!


Random Star Trek FASA games, Random Groups 1983-1988 (more dice)


AD&D gaming Mostly 1st and 2nd edition, some 3rd edition, some limited Milanda system (1975 – 2002, and present) when I moved away from my groups, now I only get together with them on a few holidays.


I’ve mostly placed Human Clerics, Halfling Thieves, or Dwarven Fighters but, never mages, and never ever stinkin’ elves.

(One weekly game ran for over 10 years, to the point where we had to retire the characters. It’s no fun when you’re an avatar, and beat everything. )


Also way addicted to Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, Diablo II and Morrowwind!


Zug Zug!!




Edited by STSF_BluRox

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Hey there,


What sims...wow. I know I graduated from the Academy June 22, 1995. Let me see here if I can recall all of them....


Sky Harbor Aegis [sFOL/STSF] - CO of the sim for awhile now, which turns a decade old this time next year.


U.S.S. Federation [sFOL] - Decomissioned - A rather long stint here. Departed as a Lieutenant I believe. Was a great sim.


U.S.S. Hood [sFOL/STSF] - Have been on the sim off and on, first starting three weeks after it's initial launch in 1995. That first character lasted about three months and was the second sim I joined.


U.S.S. Marie Curie [COL] - Decomissioned - E-Mail sim. Played a special recurring guest for a year. Eventually took the CO job.


U.S.S. Odyssey [sFOL] - First sim I ever joined. Departed as a Lieutenant Commander. Departed the day the original ship was destroyed...about 1 3/4 years.


U.S.S. Phoenix [sFOL] - As CO of this sim for eight months. Interesting story here, for another time. :P


U.S.S. Reaent [COL/CPA/SFOL/STSF] - Founder of the sim and her CO since that day in October 1995. ^_^


U.S.S. Stargazer [sFOL] - A very brief stint here. This character later left to another sim after a month.


U.S.S. Valkyrie [sFOL] - Helped my sister launch the sim, served as it's CENG when she became Lead GM/CO and eventually ended up as the game's Co-Host/XO. To my knowledge, is still active.


There are probably a few I've missed...brief stints aboard, nothing major. In addition to the above sims, I've also served as Personnel Manager for three sim groups, a co-founder of two sim groups and Director of Academy Operations for one as well. :)

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Lord, we have oldtimers around here. As for me... Well, let's just say that Tuesday was the 10th anniversary of the first time I played in an Academy and leave it at that. I'm still getting over the whole "TEN YEARS???!!! How did that happen?" thing...

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I used to dwell (under a differenet name) at this place. . Now, however, I am enslaved by Blizzard, by means of Starcraft and Diablo.

Wing just earned a point with me......


Ah....the power of the Zerg!! ::buries a few more hydrolisks:::

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I used to dwell (under a differenet name) at this place. . Now, however, I am enslaved by Blizzard, by means of Starcraft and Diablo.

I'm more of a Warcraft man myself.

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Naaaaah, I'm Total War and Myth all the way

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I'm more of a Warcraft man myself.

Like my first post said.....


Zug Zug....

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Like my first post said.....


Zug Zug....

I heard you the first time. :P

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Hmm... I'll try to list in reverse chronological order.



Bch: CO for a couple years, XO for a few years. Started as a science officer when it was the Empire or some such name before the Qob.



Huff: CO a bunch of years, XO a yearish, uh, started as captain's yeoman.

Hard: Science a year or so.

Others: Not telling.


Arcadia: Not telling.



Huff: Medical a bunch of years

Others: Not telling.



t'Oo: Science on and off a few short times


Other Romulan sim:

tr'Mox: A year or two... sort of.



S. Huff: XO a couple months, CO a year or two


Hawking: Some science officer


DSD1: Some guest spots



Huff: Medical a year or two.



Huff: Medical a yearish


Probably forgetting some..

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USS Ranger -- my first sim, joined when Moose was in command, it's still over on AOL and I'm still active there

USS Phoenix -- Spent a little over two years here, then left

Deep Space Delta One -- I spent a half year here before leaving. this is where Joe Manning was born, as an NPC :)

USS Hood -- Transferred over here as Manning, spent a few months, then left. came back when the sim started up over here and I'm still active.

Venture -- My first Enterprise sim, and the birthplace of an Ensign Elias Moore. :) But was only here for a few months. During that time, I was on all five of the above sims at once, but that did not last very long. :P

USS Arcadia -- Been active here a little over two years.

Genesis Colony -- This was an independent sim started up by Mr. Vex Xiang... though I was here for all of about 3 sims. ^_^

and of course Challenger


I also had stints in the AFF group and the TOL group. I remember simming on a USS Vindicator in TOL and a Deep Space One (different one) in AFF, later briefly commanded a USS Phoenix (again, different one) in AFF

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Simmed on various "non-orginized ships" over the years (such as the USS Mustang, SB Green Lantern, was a member of the Imperial Senate :P which was Destorie was born many moons ago as a Betazoid/El-Aurian)...but here is the list of ships I have been on:


RES Talon: First ship I joined in STSF, Destorie N'Dak


USS Republic: Number 2 for me, think I have been there about a year now, Apollo Link (Arbazan).


USS Arcadia: Been there about as long as I have the Rep, Koshic N'Dak (Betazoid/Elasian)


USS Hood: More recently joined the donut birgade in May '04 as Cosmo Rex (Humon ^_^ )


USS Reaent: Decided the need to be on a Freddy ship in June '04 as Sheng-ji Marish (Dameon)


IKC QoB/Lakota: Various SGV's


USS Excal: Just recently started SGF'ing there.


USS Challenger: Various SGV's during launch (Classified :) ); And now Comms officer Neptune Rex (Human)


RSE Terenyx (FSF): Khevio tr'Shaleon, CSEC-Terenyx/XO-RSE Tassidus

Edited by NDak

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