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An event not to be missed by Trekkies

Been working my six off for the last week, and a bit. Hence, the lack of me posting Takes me a real sick day (Left Shoulder = Big Owy BTW, if Canada starts to warm up, I blame the meds) However, I am getting way off course here. For those of you who can hook up to the net and listen to the radio (Which is everyone, provided you have the right software). The following event is for you.


Wednesday 7:35: Roger Nygard who is the director of the film "Trekkies" and is now out with "Trekkies 2"


That is this Wednesday, you can listen to the show via www.cjad.com. Also you can call in they do have a long distance number. Reason I mention this is since this is a call in show.

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Hey there,


Have to say that's one event I'll be sure to miss. Why? Because if I ever met this person on the street, I would have to resist the urge to do something inappropriate given how degrading his films made Star Trek fans appear.

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Hey there,


Have to say that's one event I'll be sure to miss. Why? Because if I ever met this person on the street, I would have to resist the urge to do something inappropriate given how degrading his films made Star Trek fans appear.

I have said it once, I will say it again:


Learn to laugh at yourselves, people :P

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I have said it once, I will say it again:


Learn to laugh at yourselves, people :P

There is laughing at your foibles, and then there is having the worst elements of your culture exposed and exploited. "Trekkies" comes much closer to the latter catergory, as opposed to something like "Galaxy Quest", which while not a documentary manages to be far more positive and, dare I say, accurate in presenting the fan community. (Not to mention the weirdnesses of the show itself.)

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Dudes. We're geeks. Admit it. :P And we have to admit it there are some fans out there so weird we may need to isolate them in airtight containers.

Edited by Images

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I have to agree with Fred and Laura. While everrone knows...I'm always up for a good laugh, the first Trekkies movie, was just plain degrading to the average fan. Yes, we're nerds, yes we play on computers, yes some of us have uniforms on in our license and passport photos for a joke..but it's that...a joke.


The movie made it out, that all Trek fans, were a bunch of weirdos, that prescribed only to aberrant behavior. It did not allow for the casual fan, or the only slightly over the top fan, such as many of us are.


It was the first and only movie I've ever walked out on. Granted, I was the only one in the theater, and being cheap, having paid to see it, and having to wait for my husband to get out of his movie, I went back in. I know for a fact, that I got up, and walked to the back door of the theater 4 times because it was that bad.


Denise Crosby, heck of a nice woman, had a chance to sit and talk with her, so I have no problem with her, but wow....but what a lousy movie. I felt that she had only looked at the bad side of those attending cons, and not the regular everyday nerds like us. When I heard Trekkies 2 would be filming at a con I've been going to for the better part of the last 20 years, I made myself scarce, and decided I would not attend that year. Mainly, because the first one was in such a poor light, I wanted no part of even a remote chance of being seen in it. Besides, I was already in another...so ha! That, and ok, I be honest, I was ducking some of you too! LOL.


So, we do laugh at ourselves...or else we wouldn't be doing this all the time, but then there is just downright ill intentions and greed as well. Be honest...they're not making these movies out of the goodness of their hearts, they're looking for profit. Danged Ferengi moviemakers!! Let's label it Trek...they'll go, and hey....ha-ha, we'll make fun of them while they're paying for it.


Anyway, in short...I won't be watching this one either.



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The movie made it out, that all Trek fans, were a bunch of weirdos, that prescribed only to aberrant behavior. It did not allow for the casual fan, or the only slightly over the top fan, such as many of us are


This pretty much seems to agree with what Fred and Laura believe also about the "Trekkies" movie. And I gotta say...


Well, duh!


The movie was called "Trekkies", not "Normal People Who Also Like Trek"...of course they looked at the extreme. Why would they make a movie about Trekkies and show a guy sitting in a cubical working a regular job and talking about how he likes to watch the show and play on the computer sometimes?


I'm a Trekkie...but I'm not so insecure about myself that the movie offended me just because it showed a bunch of obsessive fans! The POINT of the movie was to show Trekkies in the extreme, the obsessed fans who live for the show...not the average viewer, not the person who barely watches the show but roleplays the game on the computer.


Like Marris said, just laugh at the obsessive fans' extreme behavior, as was intended, and don't 'obsess' that everyone will think you're a weirdo because of this movie if you mention you're a Trekkie.


Simply, unless you ARE one of those super-obsessed fans who wears their uniform all day and wait in the back yard for the Enterprise to beam you up, this movie isn't about you.


Don't worry, be happy :P


PS: If it really bothers you, make a movie about regular Trekkies doing regular things...it'll probably be pretty boring, but there's a good chance Fox will buy it as a reality show.

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This pretty much seems to agree with what Fred and Laura believe also about the "Trekkies" movie. And I gotta say...


Well, duh!


The movie was called "Trekkies", not "Normal People Who Also Like Trek"...of course they looked at the extreme. Why would they make a movie about Trekkies and show a guy sitting in a cubical working a regular job and talking about how he likes to watch the show and play on the computer sometimes?


I'm a Trekkie...but I'm not so insecure about myself that the movie offended me just because it showed a bunch of obsessive fans! The POINT of the movie was to show Trekkies in the extreme, the obsessed fans who live for the show...not the average viewer, not the person who barely watches the show but roleplays the game on the computer.


Like Marris said, just laugh at the obsessive fans' extreme behavior, as was intended, and don't 'obsess' that everyone will think you're a weirdo because of this movie if you mention you're a Trekkie.


Simply, unless you ARE one of those super-obsessed fans who wears their uniform all day and wait in the back yard for the Enterprise to beam you up, this movie isn't about you.


Don't worry, be happy :P


PS: If it really bothers you, make a movie about regular Trekkies doing regular things...it'll probably be pretty boring, but there's a good chance Fox will buy it as a reality show.

But that's the problelm..it didn't come across as funny...


It came across to me...as stupid and a waste of my money....


just my two cents....

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PS: If it really bothers you, make a movie about regular Trekkies doing regular things...it'll probably be pretty boring, but there's a good chance Fox will buy it as a reality show.

Now there's an idea! :P I wouldn't be surprised if this happened . . . ::shifty eyes::

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Joe Trekkie...::Sighs::


I think I said this the last time that the movie Trekkies was brought up... The general public, i.e. Non Trekkies see us as that though. It's a stero type. The average non Trekkie probably thinks that all Trekkies at thirty year old men, that live in their parents basment, and have a cardboard cut out of Jeri Ryan next to their bed.


Albeit, there probably is someone like that. Thankfully most us are not like that. Learn to laugh, and learn to realise that being a Trekkie comes with that sterotype. My friends know Im a geek, a Trekkie, and among other things. (Theres no real name for Starwars and Stargate fanatics...Gaters?) Anyways, They know that's how I am. Heck, when I get ticked at someone, I often yell "Jaffa Kree!" at them. It's funny when your with your friends.


People that understand things like that are true friends. Everyone else that just look at you like a geek to laugh at arent worth dealing with. I've been hastled like that before, but I honestly dont care. If you have that much time on your hands, to torment someone for being a fan of a show, then your a really sad person.


So, in conclusion I've just written about 100x more then what I really ment to say.


Get over it.

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Dude, I have a bald friend who was in my drama group who had to study shakespeare a huge amount to get into his drama college. He also had a strange heart device so we agreed he was captain picard. We take the mick out of me being a trekkie all the time, but for some strange reason he enjoys randomly shouting "Engage!" or "make it so!" at me even though he's only watched an episode or two a long time ago. It cheered the hell out of him after he got that strange device and i have no idea why! We spread love and happinness people. Being a dork is a good thing!

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It cheered the hell out of him after he got that strange device and i have no idea why!


Because it kept him alive maybe? :P

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*slaps the dolphin* I meant the "engage" thing cheered him up!

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Ok, I laughed at the Trekkie's movie I admit it. I've been a Trekkie since the original series went off the air in 1969, my mother says I was at two when the series was still on the air. Yes, I sim Star Trek, own game's and toys at 40 years old. But, I don't sleep with a cardboard cutout of Jeri Ryan by my bed. (though I would like to know where I can buy one ::grin:: ) I've been to many convention's and I've seen people actually worst than that shown in the movie. One woman I knew here in New Orleans for example got plastic surgery on her ears and eyes to make her into a Vulcan. Different people go to different extreme's for there fandom and not only for Trek. There are fans of things like Barbie and Beverly Hill's 90210 who go to more extreme's than some Trekkie's. It all depends on how far you want to go for your particular obsession. I probably won't go see Trekkie's 2, but will probably watch it when it come's out on cable like I did 1.



Edited by DaryusWilliams

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