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Power to the Chosen

Sept. 7, 2154

Daise’Khre’Riov N’Dak

Galae Command




The elderly Rihan stood before the entire tri-Cameron of the Rihannsu Empire. Word had gotten out that the lloann’na scum were days away from the launch of Challenger.


They had succeeded in their goal of constructing and launching a ship in three of their months. This had stirred even the most non-committal senators and praetors. And now they demanded information about this new threat to the Rihan way of life; N’Dak would provide it for them too.


The Praetor, Fvillah tr’Khev, spoke first.


“Jolan tru, Destorie N’Dak, it has been long since you have graced these noble halls. Tell us, tell us of this Lloann’na problem,” the Fvillah said as he seated himself.


N’Dak nodded and waited for the crowd to quite. “Fellow Rihans,” he started, his voicing echoing in the grand senate chambers. “The lloann’na, the greatest threat this Empire has faced since the Orions, have completed their new NX-class warship in record time. We believe this is a signal that they will begin a rapid military build-up.”


The crowd gasped collectively and soft murmurs filled the room. “And what do you propose we do about this new threat?”


tr’Khev’s voice quieted the room.


“We are in the process of doubling the size of the Galae,” he said, again to louder murmurs. “In two years we will have doubled our fleet.”


“And au saw fit na to ask approval from the Senate or the Praetorian for this?”


“Ie,” N’Dak said to another gasp. “It is my charge to protect the Empire, the Senate and the Praetorian, is it na?”




“I was merely doing what was neccissary,” he said. “We need a larger Galae if we are to combat this new threat.”


Tr’Khev nodded. “Very well. And what else do au plan to do?”


“We have stepped up border patrols, all non-authorized vessels are to be detained and or destroyed. We have increased the mines along the border.”


This seemed to go over well with the crowd, who by now was ready to invade Earth.


Then a voice of dissent echoed the crowd. “Tell me, Daise’Khre’Riov, what is it that makes this Lloann’na so dangerous?”


“Because, they do na believe as we do,” he said turning to face the dissenter. “They would have us tamed as their slaves, further, they are na much more than pawns of the dead ios, the Vulcans.”


This sent the hall into a rage. “Why not kill them now!”


“If we are strong is this na the sign for war?”


It was tr’Khev who silenced the crowd yet again. “Order! There will be order in this chamber!”


A few minutes later the yells had quieted and N’Dak was again left with questions to answer. “We do na know enough about them yet,” he stated calmly. “We must let them show themselves to us, while we build our strength. Then, we will crush them beneth our boots. Power to Chosen!”


The crowd roared, even tr’Khev was applauding on his feet, and they all chanted. “Power to the Chosen!”



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