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BIO Ensign Elliot Benjamin Bell-Krasner

NAME: Elliot Benjamin Bell-Krasner




EYES: Hazel

HAIR: Brown


PLACE OF BIRTH: North American Continent, Earth

DATE OF BIRTH: August 30 2355

PARENTS: Dr. Jay Krasner 2326-

CMO U.S.S Armagedon


Lt. Commander Sharon Bell 2329 –

CSCI U.S.S Armagedon


WIFE: Commander Julie Goldman 2357-

XO, U.S.S Resilant





2376-2377 Ensign, Assistant Medical Officer Starbase 86

2377-2378 Ensign, Assistant Medical Officer U.S.S Resilant

2378-2379 Lt Assistant Medical Officer U.S.S Resilant

2379-2384 Ensign, Asssistant Medical Officer U.S.S Resilant

2384-Current Ensign, Assistant Medical Officer U.S.S Manticore



Life before the Academy

Elliot Was Born on August 30, 2355 in North America. Since the age of 5 Elliot was pressured by both his father and mother to go to Starfleet academy. This made for a very difficult childhood. Instead of playing with his friends Elliot spent most his days studying to be in command of a starship. His father took him on many of his missions and even allowed Elliot to assist him in his work. However, all of this helped Elliot to develop a very unique talent for getting the job done. Whenever his father asked him to do a task Elliot would do it not just quickly but effectively as well. Many of Dr. Krasner’s own colleagues were amazed at how quickly Elliot could write a paper or read a book. Elliot’s mother often said she would see Elliot reading 4 or 5 books at once. While other kids were reading the story of “Toby the Targ,” Elliot was becoming an expert at how a warp core was run. His favorite book was one his father gave to him at the age of 12. “Leonard McCoy’s Comparative Alien Xenobiology.” The advice his father often gave was “words are cheap, actions are what really matter.” Elliot spent his entire childhood trying to follow that and decided that the best way for him to do so was to someday become a starship captain. During his teen years Elliot trained extremely hard for the academy which often caused him to be anti social. He would often reject offers from his friends to go out to dinner or have some fun on the holodeck. However, all of that changed when Elliot met his first love Lauren Koenig. Lauren was just like Elliot. A hard worker with ambitions even higher than Elliot’s. Elliot and Lauren started dating and for the first time in his life Elliot felt like he had someone who understood his personality. Lauren helped Elliot realize that there was more to life then work and because of her Elliot made more friends and developed quite a sense of humor which remains to this day. Finally, after his hard work Elliot passed the entrance exam to the academy in 2373

At The Academy

During his first year at the academy Elliot saved two cadets when a malfunction caused the holodeck safeties to turn off leaving his companions at the mercy of two now dangerous Romulan holograms. Elliot received high praise both from his professors and the commandant of the academy who would later say that Elliot was “A very brave young man who has quite a work ethic.” 3 months later he saved a Vulcan ambassador who was on a tour of the academy from a plasma explosion. For his heroics he was awarded the federation medal of valor.

Elliot encountered some hardships during his second year at the academy. During a training simulation in early 2374 Elliot knocked out weapons, shields and warp drive by blowing out 17 plasma conduits while trying to fix an engineering malfunction. He was extremely upset at himself. That same year he almost lost his Starfleet career and his life when he offended a visiting Bolian ambassador when he spilled Bolian style tomato soup on his clothing. The ambassador angrily lunged at him and Elliot in his fear fell off the balcony adjacent to the dining room. Elliot would have fallen to his death but he managed to just grab hold of a ledge and pull himself up into none other than the commandant’s offices. Elliot was ordered to write a full apology to the ambassador. Then Elliot suffered his worst blow. His girlfriend Lauren, the one person who had brought him true happiness during his teen years was killed in a shuttle accident. Elliot was completely devastated and even thought about quitting the academy. He did not leave his dorm room for almost two weeks which caused all of his professors and even the commandant to worry about him. To help him cope with his loss Elliot spent many intense sessions with the academies counselor Jane Denzo. Denzo helped Elliot to find himself again and after nearly two months Elliot returned to his academy training. All of his fellow cadets were very supportive but although loosing Lauren had affected Elliot emotionally it did not affect his performance. During his third year at the academy while doing another holodeck training simulation he managed to disable a bomb and then get to his post at tactical to disable several enemy vessels. Elliot graduated the academy at the top of his class in 2376 and gave the commencement address. Elliot told his peers that they should not allow work to consume them because it would distract them from what was truly important. Then in a very emotional part of the speech Elliot made a reference to Lauren, and told his classmates that if it hadn’t have been for her he would have never become the person that he was.



After Elliot graduated the academy he was placed on Starbase 86. He found it boring at best and wanted to be on a starship and continue his dream of one day becoming a starship captain. He felt severely under challenged and began to think that his father would be disappointed in him if he didn’t do something to continue with his dream. But Elliot made the most of his year on the starbase keeping everyone healthy His only real accomplishment while on the starbase was helping the CMO develop a treatment for space sickness. In 2377 he requested and was granted a post on the U.S.S Resilant as an assistant medical officer In 2378 Elliot once again met a woman who would change his life. While walking to his office one day Elliot accidentally bumped into Lt. Julie Goldman and knocked her down along with a bottle of an 20th century wine from the turn of the new millennium. Elliot managed to grab the bottle just as it was about to smash to the floor and loosing his balance fell on top of Lt. Goldman. It seemed strange but just a week later Elliot and Julie were sharing the wine in her quarters. They began dating and in a personal log written just weeks after they had met Elliot said “This woman, she reminds me so much of Lauren and eases my pain.” Elliot and Julie continue dating to this day but have decided to wait to get married until they are in a proper position to do so. In 2378 he saved the Reaent’s Captain during a battle with the Cardassians. The cardassian warship had disabled the Resilants weapons and shields. Just as the Resilant was pulling a way it was hit by one last torpedo which knocked the Captain from his chair and slammed him onto a console which caused massive bleeding. The comm. was still down and Elliot had no way to contact the CMO. Elliot managed to move the Captain to his ready room where propped him up against a table to stop the blood from rushing to his head. He then replicated a med kit and began to treat the Captains injuries. It took nearly two hours but Elliot stopped the bleeding and by the time the COMM System was back up Elliot had stabilized the Captain. For his heroism he was again awarded the federation medal for valor and promoted to Lt. In 2379 while again in battle with the romulans Elliot made his biggest error. During the battle a crewmember had been severely injured. Elliot was treating him but accidentally used the wrong hypospray which caused him to go into shock nearly killing him. The Captain of the Reaent was extremely upset at Elliot’s error and told him that a good medical officer should not make mistakes like the one he had made. However, the Captain remembered that Elliot had once saved his life and so instead of having Elliot court martialed he demoted him back to Ensign. In 2382 after almost 6 years of dating Elliot asked Julie Goldman to marry her. She accepted and in a very touching ceremony aboard the Resilant they were married. Shortly after the incident Elliot requested a transfer and was transferred to the U.S.S Manticore where he currently serves as one of its medical officers


Personality Profile

Elliot is known to be very friendly and a hard worker. He can do any task that he is assigned quickly and effectively and his heroism, valor and courage has never been doubted by anyone. Elliot has only two noticeable weaknesses which do not seem to affect his performance. One weakness is that Elliot can be “too” helpful. He has often been seen trying to assist crewmembers in every department rather than just sticking to his own. Although in most cases this is an admirable trait it can get annoying. His other weakness is his incessant fear of death. Even before his near death experience in 2374 Elliot has always had a fear of dying and sometimes that can affect him especially when he is in battle. Though he can maintain his focus and do what he is told his fears will sometimes cause a sudden lapse in concentration. One notable time was in 2378 when one of Elliot’s consoles exploded right in front of him. Elliot was not physically injured but he did not come out of his quarters for two days. Again, this has never really affected his performance on the Resilant and Elliot is taking steps to try and conquer his fear. Despite his fear of death Elliot does seem to be at his best while in battle. He is able to get the attention of the officers in his charge or those who he works under and come up with plans to remedy a situation on a spot. During non battle situations Elliot goes about his work like any other officer and does enjoy a good time on th holodeck where he plays Baseball which was quite a popular sport for much of the 20th and 21rst centuries.




Elliot’s father is Dr. Jay Krasner. Dr. Krasner has been in Starfleet since 2340 and even at the age of 58 he still manages to do one of the best jobs of anyone in the Starfleet medical department Dr. Krasner has saved many patients over the years but the most notable came in 2346 when he was a Lt. serving aboard the U.S.S Enterprise – C as an assistant medical officer. It’s Captain, Rachel Garrett had been infected by a pathogen that nobody not even the head of Starfleet Medical knew how to cure. Krasner recognized that one strand of the pathogen was very similar to a Cardassian disease that they had found a cure for. He told Captain Garrett that if they contacted the Cardassians they would be able to find a cure. Captain Garrett gave orders to do no such thing because she said the Cardassians could not be trusted. Dr. Krasner knew that he needed to do something and was willing to abandon the prime directive and his career to do it. So he took a shuttle and headed out to find a Cardassian ship. After several days of searching he happened to find a medical freighter that was carrying supplies. He traded with the Captain of the ship for the medicine needed to save Captain Garrett. When he got back to the Enterprise he spent 62 hours trying to counteract the pathogen using the medicine he had been given. Finally he managed to destroy it and gave the new vaccine to the Captain. Captain Garrett was upset that he had violated the prime directive but understood that he was bound by an even stronger directive the Hippocratic Oath. She promoted him to Lt. Commander, gave him the chief medical position and awarded him the federation medal for heroism. Very little is known about Elliot’s mother before she met his father in 2345 and married him after just a year of dating. However, she is a capable officer and has made several scientific breakthroughs while serving aboard the Armageddon. In 2356 assisted by a then 6 year old Elliot and her husband, she discovered a new form of plant life that produces spores which can be used in the making of certain medicines. For this achievement Elliot’s mother was promoted to Lt. Commander and was made the Chief Science Officer.

Edited by Adm_Bell-Krasner

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