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Captain Halloway

No Immediate Threat

The following is a joint log between Lieutenant Commander Muon Quark and Captain Thomas Halloway. It takes place right after the alien beings have left Aegis and the initial away team from Yorktown determined there was no immediate threat.


Muon waited for Captain Halloway on the CT. It had been one hell of a week and it was going to be interesting trying to explain everything to the captain. Everyone hearing voices, system malfunctions all over the station, aliens trying to communicate via the station and humon hosts, Ayers and Hawke in sickbay.... Oy... And now, trying to convince the captain that there was no further danger. The aliens had left and now the station and its inhabitants were getting back to normal. Muon could close out all the incidents of reported stalking and get back to the murder investigation and the terrorist attack on Cardassia. Also, there was this item that Brown noted the Yorktown had ejected prior to docking. Well, Muon was a firm believer in being direct and direct she would be.


Just then the turbolift doors swished open and Captain Halloway stepped out. Muon rose from the big chair and walked over to greet him. "Welcome, sir, to Sky Harbor Aegis," Muon said, extending her hand.


“Thank you, Commander,” Captain Halloway greeted, taking the soft, warm hand in his own. He looked around the Control Tower, noting the absence of other senior officers, then back to the Ferengi security chief. “My second officer reports your situation seems stable. Mind telling me what happened?”


Muon walked through the tale, tracing the system problems and strange behavior to a clumsy alien contact. It took several minutes. She paused expectantly, clearly waiting to see his reaction.


“My last ship had a run-in with an angry little entity some years back,” he finally offered. “It took some… creativity to drive it off. I can imagine it was difficult if your own brass was acting funny.” He ran one hand through his dark hair. “Still, I’m going to keep Yorktown undocked for now. It sounds like we still don’t know too much about these beings. If they do come back, no sense giving them a single target.”


He was sure he looked over-cautious to the younger officer, but he’d lost enough crew to warrant it. That angry little entity had wiped out a whole Klingon ship before they’d stumbled on it, he recalled.


“By the way, captain, our sensors detected that you left something behind on your way in,” she asked directly. "Mind telling me what it was?"


“Oh, that," Halloway remembered. "A Cardassian freighter we found drifting. Breen pirates disabled their engines before we scared them off. It’ll need to be towed in. Can Aegis spare some tugs?”


"Certainly," Muon responds and nods to Scott to make the necessary arrangements. "Is there anything else we can do for you, captain?" she inquires politely.


“I’d like to give my crew liberty, and we’ll need to process about twenty Cardassians – the freighter crew – through your security before they head home.” He stepped up toward the turbolift.


Muon made note of the need to contact the civilian database on Cardassia Prime. “We can arrange that. Anything else, sir?”


Halloway flashed his trademark grin. “Any good ideas on how a starship captain might entertain himself on this station?”

Edited by Captain Halloway

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