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A message from beyond

Begin message:

The camera zoomed in on a smiling Hans Seiben sitting on his lather La-Z-Boy in his quarters. The recording date is stardate 10405.01 at 2230 hours. "Helo folks" Hans said to the camera. "If you're reading this, then that means that I'm dead. ::Sigh:: After the incident with the Romulans and the Squids, I guess I realised I wasn't as invincible as I thought. I came very close to dying there, and I guess now my luck has finally ran out.


"But, that's okay. Don't grieve over me, death is part of the job in Starfleet. I knew the risks when I signed up for Starfleet, and I was willing to accept them to preserve the way of life we've grown so accustomed to. I only hope that I died in honour. I know I'll be leaving many friends behind here on the Arcadia. You people have been my family for almost one whole year now. "


Hans chuckles and shifts in his seat. "Wow, has it been one year already? Well, it will be in three weeks anyways. we've been through alot in this past year haven't we? I hope your memories of me won't fade away. Body and flesh may wither and die, but memories will last forever. So, remember the quiet, shy guy who took awhile to open up to you guys.


"You all made a lasting impression of my life. Made me break free of my self confidence problems. Changed me for the better. At least I'll go to the grave knowing that that. And for that, I am eternally greatful. I've made a tonne of friends here.. something I never had up until now. It's so hard having to make friends only to have them taken away when you move to some far off location.


"Which reminds me of the second purpose of this message. Computer, begin recording last will and testament of Lt. Hans Seiben" The computer beeped in compliance. "Acknowledged" Again, Seiben shifted in his seat and picked up a PADD onn the table next to him. "First of all, to my buddy Trichon. You've been a great friend to me this past year, and I do consider you a brother. We've been through thick and thin and yet we still have stuck to each other like flies to honey.


"So to you, I bequeath my model car, airplane and boat cellection. I know you have one too, but I doubt anything this nice. As well as my La-Z-Boy recliner that I'm sitting on right now. It's so cool. It reclines, massage.. It has 30 built in massage programmes. And can massage any, or all parts of your body. Swedish, shiatshu, you name it, it has it. Very uselful after a hard day in Engineering. And it also has a built in refrigerator cooler"


Seiben opened a panel and fished out a can of Coke out of ice. He pulled the tab and took a big sip. "Ahh, good stuff. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it as well as I have. I also want you to have my secret stash of whiskey and one of my Iron Crosses." Seiben reached over and held up a shiny, black cross. "It was given to one of my ancestors in 1941. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. To Nem.. uhh, my permanent membership in the Fruit of the Month Club. Every month, a month's supply of featured fruit will be beamed to your quarters.


"To Vectra, I give you my Walther PPK (again, with no bullets.. and it hasn't fired in over 400 years) once owned by my ancestor in WWII. Which is also the gun James Bond used in all of his flicks, as well as my English rapier. I'm not sure if you're any good in fencing, but you can always learn. It's never too late. and.. I also ask of one final favour to you.


"Starfleet will inform my family of my death.. oh boy.. they'll be thrilled about that, but.. if you can.. try to find Anika and inform her of my parting. She was the closest I ever came to having a girlfriend. And our time together was especially memorable. Her leaving left a giant hole in my heart.


"And.. give her this too" Hans pulled a blue box from under the table. He opened it, extracting a 24-karat goldnecklace with diamond accents. "I wanted to give this as a Christmas present to her, but sadly she left the ship before I could do so. So.. if you would.. try to give it to her. I think she might be in Hawaii somewhere, but.. I don't know. But you got those wierd Betazoid powers, so I'm sure you could do it.


"Oh, and one more thing: Yeah I know I originally asked of one favour, but.. if you could continue my projects, such as JERRI and my Marine Fighters, I'd appreciate it. You could always get the help of Trichon or another engineer for that though. Oh, man. I'm sad that I had to leave the world in this fashion, but everyone has to die sometime. You all have made lasting impressions of my life, and I will sincerely miss you all. Computer, end recording, and in the event of my death, beam the mentioned items to the quarters of the mentioned individuals immediately" the computer beeped in compliance. "Acknowledged" It replied. Seiben gave a smile one again. "Goodbye everyone. And see you on the otherside!" With that, Seiben pressed a button on his console, fading the screen to black.

End message

Edited by Seiben

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