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Once more with feeling

"Once more with Feeling"

Log entry 50 SD: 10408.04


(OOC: Do hope this log is okay.. my sincerest apologies if not)


The bright light continued to beccon Seiben closer and closer. Thw wind continued to whip his hair as he rose higher and higher. Until, in the distance, Seiben can make out something.. something shiny. It looked large, and made of gold. At this time, Seiben stopped flying and landed on some ground. He looked below and saw that he was very far up.


"Wow, how'd I get this far up?" Seiben asked himself. The new surroundings were very unfamiliar to Seiben. But it did look very luxourious, like some all inclusive resort. Seiben started walking along some cobblestone path, for awhile. Surrounding it was a beautiful forest with trees and a sparkling, crystal clear lake. All sorts of animals could be seen drinking water, grazing on the grass or hanging in the trees above. "Beautiful" He exclaimed. "I wonder where I am" Just then, a paralysing force seemed to have stopped Seiben in his tracks.


"Wha..wha.. what heppened? Why can't I move?" Seiben thought to himself. A loud vice called out to him. "Hans Seiben?" it said. Seiben looked around to see where it was coming from. But couldn't see where. "Yes. That's me? Who are you?" Seiben asked. "It matters not who I am" the voice said. "Now is not your time. You must go back" Seiben looked a little confused, but before he could say a word, the ground underneath him parted and sending Seiben falling back down to earth.


Seiben screamed as he fell and fell. He finally landed with a thud on the bridge of the Republic. The bridge was in total chaos. Red alert claxons and people shouting filled Seiben's ears. What's going on? Seiben thought to himself. The ship shuddered and sparks flew down from above. "We're under attack?" Seiben said to himself. None of the crew seemed to have noticed Seiben's entry.


The ship shuddered again, just as the engines kicked into warp. He braced himself on a console as the Republic veered right. Seiben turned to the viewscreen and looked at total shock at this large, brown alien vessel. "What is that? Klingon? Cardassian? No.. it's not. I don't know what that is!" Seiben said. Of course nobody heard him, it was if he didn't exist.


The Republic lurched forward, gaining speed with every second. Getting closer and closer to the big ship. Seconds later, he saw two torpedoes being fired, and someone yelling. "NOOO!" it sounded familiar for some reason. But seconds after that, the Republic lurched forward. A deafening creeking sound filled the bridge. It was unlike anything he ever heard before. Exploding consoles and fires soon came after that, along with the sounds of numerous explosions.


Seiben felt his body de-materalise after that. He watched in horror as the Republic colided into the giant vessel, and the destruction of both vessels shortly thereafter, in a giant ball of fire exploding in a blinding white light. Seiben stumbled around for a few moments having temporarily lost his vision. Seiben rubbed his eyes, but finally he could make out the lights.


Slowly, Seiben's vision was restored. He walked forward a few steps, but was quickly stopped by an electric shock all over his body. "Ow! What was that?" Seiben said. He put his hand over the door, and was shocked again. This time he could see a blue light in the area of his hand. It took his brain a few seconds to realise he was in a brig. This brig though was also unfamiliar, It was a bit smaller than the ones on the Republic and much more depressing.


"Where am I?" Seiben asked the computer. "You are onboard the Sky Harbour Aegis" it replied. "Sky Harbour Aegis?" Seiben said. "What's a Sky Harbour Aegis?" Seiben furrowed his brow. None of this made sense. Seiben didn't even know what Sky Harbour Aegis was.. he definately has never been there before. But.. depite that, the place seemed awfully familiar to him. He didn't know why.. just a strange feeling he had.


Again, a paralysing feeling overcame Seiben, and he soon began to pass out. The scenery around him went black. When Seiben regained consciousness, he found himself back in the Sickbay of the Republic. "Where am I?" Seiben asked the doctor. "You're on the Republic" replied the doctor. "The Republic? It wasn't destroyed?" asked Seiben. The doctor looked at Seiben as if he were some crazy man.


"No. Should it have been?" the doctor asked. Seiben sighed. "No.. I guess not. I just had a bad dream" Seiben chuckled and tried to convince the doc that he still had his sanity. But the weird dream still continued to plauge Seiben's thoughts? What could it have meant? He knew it was just a crazy dream, but something about it just seemed... funny. As if it were like deja vu. Seiben simply tried to shake it off, though at this moment, Seiben did wish the Republic had a Councellor to try to explain what the dream meant.


But anyways.. Seiben sat up in the bio bed. He felt alot better than he did before, his fever seemed to have gone down dramatically (though it still felt pretty hot) and his coughing and sneezing have gone completely. It would probably now be only a matter of time before he could finally return to duty. But the memory of thta wierd dream probably would haunt him for some time to come.

Edited by Seiben

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