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"News at Ten"


"The News at 10"


::Screen switches to News Logo::




::Screen shows Anchormen Tuna and Chica Bonita::


Good Evening, I am Charlie Tuna....


::screens pan to Chica.:: And I am Chica Bonita.


Leading off at Ten a Bizarre incident at the Star Trek Experience at the Hilton. One person was stabbed, several security guards assaulted and worse one individual apparently kidnapped ...and the suspects got away. We have more from Hilton with our KASH Reporter Alpha Niner...Alpha.


::sceen switches to Reporter Niner with The Star Trek Experience Sign Prominiently featured in the background and numerous police vehicles present:: Thank you Chica...A fun filled night for Star Trek fans was interrrupted by violence. One person stabbed at least three security guards were assaulted. The police are looking for four indviduals, three of whom were oddly enough were dressed up in Star Trek Costumes. One fled the sceen with a woman


::screen changes to Alpha Niner's Taped Report...starting with numerous survelience camera views of the incident with Niner Narrating::


"At approximately 11 pm a large individual at the left of your screen..begins to pull a woman towards the casino exit...suddenly a man in a "Cat" costume comes to the aid of the woman.. a fight insues...with a knife being pulled by the suspected kidnapper...::blade highlighted on tape by circle:: The kidnapper oddly enough is dressed as "Klingon" a type of alien race in the Star Trek Universe known to carry weapons....Then from the right of the screen another individual charges to the scene..in a "Star Fleet" costume and drives the assailant away from the "Cat" Costumed individual. As you can see as we slow down the image...the Kidnapper and his victim part to the left....the large individual aiding the "Caitan" as one Star Trek enthusiast told me...assists the the stabbed man into a restroom...


::sceen shows restroom door from a distance...Police interviewing witnesses::


Now the individual who assisted the man in the "Cat" costume cannot be considered a hero, for he slugged one Hitlon security guard...tackled two more while being handuffed...yet somehow made it to the restroom. With other means of escape..yet when Metro and Hilton security entered the Restroom..it was empty.


::screen switches back to live with Reporter Alpha Niner and a Las Vegas Police Officer::


I have with me Las Vegas Metro Police spokesman John Maxwell...Officer Maxwell..how is possible that all the indivduals in this incident are unaccounted for?


First of all I want to prioritize the fact we have a kidnapping here. A young woman was kidnapped, by a large male ...believed to be African American in a "Klingon" costume. Now this individual has been described by witnesses...many of whom are Star Trek Fans...of having the most accurate Klingon costume seen outside a Star Trek TV show or movie. We ask the public to be on the lookout for this individual...but to not confront him. We believe he is armed and dangerous. We also have a description of the woman...::proceeds to describe her in length:: Please if you have any information call the Las Vegas Metro...


"What of the other two...The Catman and the other man" Niner asks...


The man dressed up in the Cat costume we know suffered a stab wound based on evidence at the scene...the other man, who apparently is fluent in Russian assaulted several Las Vegas Hilton Security staff in an effort to assist his acquaintance. This man is also considered dangerous. This suspect ::describes Koralev with utmost detail:: Should not be confronted..call Las Vegas Metro if he is spotted.


Officer Maxwell have you been able to ascertain how the two individuals in the restroom eluded Las Vegas Hilton Security? They had no way out? Correct?


That matter is still under investigation at this time..I cannot comment any further onthat....::Maxwell looks a little ill at ease::


Thank you Officer Maxwell ::the Camera slides up close to Reporter Alpha Niner:: Live from the Star Trek Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton I am Alpha Niner..reporting for KASH News.


::Scene switches to the KASH Studio with Charlie Tuna and Chica Bonita::


Very Odd...As if they beamed up..::Chica Bonita adds::


Indeed...::Tuna replies:: In other news tonight..unexplained power outages ripple through the Las Vegas Strip.....

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Very Odd...As if they beamed up..::Chica Bonita adds::




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