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Verelan Dharvanek

Name: Verelan Dharvanek

Rank: Ne'Arrain


Age: 22

Gender: Female


Place of Birth: Agurthan Colony, Venturius sector.




Di’ranov: Taev irThalek’Kar Dharvanek

Ri’nanov: D’Elon t’Liorae-sihaer


-No Siblings-



With both parents stationed on the Agurthan outpost, Verelan was

born and raised on the colony world.


Her father and mother were engineering personnel, dedicated to maintaining the workings of Galae vessels. They often had to work strenous hours and had ever-changing schedules, family time constituted of one and a half minutes in the early morning. There was no time at all to spend on recreation, even if it was with their only child. She spent all her time either outdoors or on a terminal.


One of her favorite pastimes is hiking, which was not too suprising since the whole planet is covered with vast woodlands and hills. Apparently, open country and fresh air is good for you. Verelan grew into a rather athletic rihanha. There was much military traffic in the area. Patrols, ships coming in for repairs and more often, crewmen on shore leave. Sometimes while trekking through the woods, she’d encounter military officers who came to camp in the wilderness.


Verelan resided in the civilian section of the Agurthan military base. Her parents being engineers, she learned how to operate a computer terminal very early in life. Of course most of the content on the local nets were open-access propaganda vids, and Verelan grew up watching these every day. Thus, her mind was filled with ideals of honor and glory. Other who know her well would say she was the perfect balance between agression and calm. Her superiors would say she was a passive Rihan without a heart for battle. She has an eager-to-please attitude that makes her nervous around superiors, and when she panics, Dharvanek's mental capabilities "regresses." (meaning she turns into one of those annoying bobble-heads that just nod a lot)


Anyone on Agurtha is either military or related to military. Base life was full of restricted access facilities, the people Verelan saw most was security. Everything from on-base guards to Galae officers, seeing them at work is what inspired her to become one herself.


Also very interested in weapons, she would lose track of time just looking at them, happilly oblivious to the rest of the quadrant.


Her family does not have a long standing military-type lifestyle, nor are they well known. Many of her relatives are civilians with varying interests, so they are not all engineers either. Although she was intrigued by many forms of unarmed fighting, there were no such specialty schools on Agurthan. All of her security skills are basic manuvers learned at the Galae Retor.


Many of her instructors observed raw potential, but no sign of formal discipline. It was only through displays of determination that she managed to graduate Retor, they sent her away in hopes of providing opportunities to acquire better command skills.



Service Record:


Date of graduation - 0405.20

Posting Confirmation - 0406.13

Arrival on RES Talon - 0406.17

Promotion to Ne'Arrain - 0408.08

Edited by Farein

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