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"Revenge is best served cold, and on the rocks

“Something of vengeance I had tasted for the first time; as aromatic wine it seemed, on swallowing, warm and racy: its after-flavor, metallic and corroding, gave me a sensation as if I had been poisoned”—Charlotte Bronte



Lt. Apollo Link

Acting CSCI | USS Republic

Stardate 0406.24


>Begin Log<


Furious with the rudeness, childishness, and general lack of respect for senior officers shown by Lt. Skippy, among others, Link ended his ‘vacation’ earlier than he had planned.


When he beamed onto the Republic he was still in a rage. How dare that little pipsqueak! And to think the gull of that…that…that…green blooded, pointy eared, erudite, arrogant, egotistical, uncouth, conceited Vulcan! Not to mention that mouthy little Engineer!


The vain along his neck was bulging as he stormed down the hallways. His forehead ridges blushed a bright shade of red, as they did when he was angry.


He stormed down the hallways like raging hurricane. He ran into Ensign Lenati along the way and scared her nearly to death. All she did was say “Good Day.”


But that was all she had to say. “Blasted do I look like I am having a good day??? Maybe you want to call me names to? Well Do you??? DO YOU????”


Ensign Lenati scurried away as fast as she could, Link was on the warpath. He made his way to Science Lab 1 with out killing over from cardiac arrest, albeit he spooked, screamed, and generally terrorized everyone in his path.


Even the blob could sense his anger—it quickly scooted into the far end of its cage when he came in.


“The Nerve! I’ll get that Skippy for this!”




One of the holovids’ Lt. Skippy had been passing out lay on a counter in Science Lab 3. When Link saw it he was furious.


The wrath of Apollo wasn’t going to be pretty. But he wasn’t going to pull some childish trick on Skippy either. No, no. He was going for the gold, and he knew exactly what to do.




After explaining the situation to Commander Robinson, the security mess was cleared up, and Link was allowed to go back to his plotting.


Step one, humiliate him. Step two, drive the nail in his coffin. Step three pad lock it to be sure.


Link sat reading over Skippy’s personal logs, a mixture of sad pathetic soap opera crap and trashy romance novels. The same went for Skippy’s choice of Holodeck Programs. It was so mushy and gross it was making him sick just thinking about it. Holonovels like “Gone with the Wind,” “Love Everlasting,” “You’re my Darling,” “Love me true.”


“Humans,” Link gagged. “Must they be so…open about there…emotions…ughkk.”


Just as he thought he had read everything and found nothing that would sufficiently embarrass Skippy, he came upon a set of logs that were buried in subtext of other logs. Link raised his brows. Fortunately for Link, Skippy wasn’t to good at encryption sequences and Link easily broke the code.


He had found the jack pot. If he were playing the lottery he just hit the MegaMillion. The file was entitled “Times when I got Shot Down.”


Link grinned from ear to ear. Skip-o was about to get a taste of vengeance.


Link Shuffled through the files finding the most embarrassing ones of the bunch and then he went to work.


His plan was simple, he’d implant the files in everyone’s in Engineering’s Message Box, so the next morning when they pulled up the daily schedule, they would get to read the exposé of Skip-O.


A few button taps latter and they were off. Now…for phase two….




One of the several sent out.



Lt. (Jg.) Jif Skippy

AENG | USS Republic

Stardate 0406.24




Man oh man. Wow I can’t believe it, I got shot down by a Yeoman! A Yeoman! I should have ordered her to come to diner with me!


I don’t know why she wouldn’t come to dinner with me. I mean I am soo attractive. I even used my best pick up line on her! “Your pants are like a mirror, I can see myself in them.”


And what did she do, she kicked me, kicked me where she shouldn't have! I should have turned her in for that, put her in the brig. Then I could take her dinner. Bet she’d like me then.


Man, I can’t believe I got shot down by a Yeoman. Heh, but the rest of engineering doesn’t need to know that. Heh, besides I practically run the place. Jax is crazy ‘bout me, and Trepp, well he is Jax’s figure head. He’s just a puppet anyway. And I have Jax’s wrapped ‘round my little finger…


>Message Truncated<




As if the logs, which he sneakily sent out from an untraceable source and then conveniently purged any evidence that he had dug them up, weren’t going to embarrass ole’Skip-O enough; phase two would.


Already in motion, Link had bought a ‘Flea’ collar at a small shop on New Bajor and had paid a pricey fee to the shop owner to deliver it to Rear Admiral BluRox, care of Skippy.


Ensign Qwerty, who had caught Skippy trying to hedge in on his girlfriend Ensign Teria a couple times was all to happy to be the one to deliver the ‘Gift’ with a ‘lovely’ Holocard asking the Admiral on a date, but only if she wore the Flea collar.




Qwerty stopped by Science Lab 3 to make sure the plan was still a go.


“Green light?” the Ensign said hopefully.


“Oh yeah, this should be interesting. I’m only sorry I can’t be there to see the look on her face.”


Qwerty nodded and quickly exited the Science Lab and headed for the Bridge. He just hopped she didn’t claw the messenger too.


>End Log<

Edited by Apollo

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