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Cosmo Rex

“The Sol-Network, News you can trust.”

Ambassador Neptune Rex

Chief Diplomatic Liason to Andor




The Monitor jumped to life with the logo of the Sol system, and loud booming voice.


“The Sol-Network, News you can trust.”


A slender blond woman dressed in pink appeared on the screen behind a news desk with San Francisco in the background.


“Hello. And I am Leslie Yerington with today’s top stories. In Interstellar News, the Andorian blockade of the Sol system continues. Spokesman for the Andorian government say that the blockade will continue as long as the Vulcans remain present in the system. The Vulcan government had no comment, except that they regretted that the Andorian government was continuing to hamper the Challenger Project with illogical aggression.


A spokesman for Commodore “Bull” Moose, head of the Challenger Project, also had no comment either.


However, Sol-Network News was able to get an exclusive interview with Ambassador Neptune Rex, Chief Liaison to the Andorian Government. And we go to Rachel Regal live with the Ambassador. Rachel.”


The scene changed to a middle-aged woman dressed in black and gold with the tall silhouette of the UN Headquarters in Geneva towering behind her.


“Thank you, Leslie, I am here just outside of the UN Building in Geneva where I just spoke with the Ambassador following his return from Andor…”


The scene changed slightly, in the frame now was both Leslie and a younger man dressed in attire befitting an Ambassador. He looked ragged from lack of sleep, which he was.


“Ambassador Rex, thank you for speaking with us,” Regal said warmly. “We understand you have been in direct contact with the Andorian government since the distruction og the T’Kel?”


Rex sighed slighty. “That’s correct, we’ve been in discussion of this at the highest levels of the government.”


“Do the Andorians still continue to deny responsibility for the attack despite the findings of the official Vulcan Investigation?”


“Yes they do. The Andorians have been very candid with me, and they believe that there is in all likelihood an outside party involved.”


“Is it the Klingons?”


“I am afraid I can’t answer that question on the grounds of Intergalactic Security. All I can say is that Andorians, unless they are bold face lying say they are innocent, and until they are proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, they are innocent.”

“Have they said when they will end the blockade of the Sol System?”


“We are in full scale discussions with them now at the very highest levels of government. While we can understand their motives for the blockade, we certainly do not approve, it’s a very volatile situation we have here and we are trying to deal with it as quickly and safely as possible…”


The scene returned to just Regal. “There you have it. And Now back to you in the studio…”


“Thank you, Rachel. In other news, in the wake of the attacks upon Challenger…”


The screen blipped off.


“I thought you handled that very well Neptune,” someone said.


“Thanks,” Neptune sighed deeply. “I only hope we can resolve this ‘as quickly and safely as possible’…



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