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Veloras Itana

Beneath The Darkness Between The Stars

Beneath The Darkness

Between The Stars

Pt. II


"It's a Federation craft all right." Commander Everett Michael Yung said as he looked over the shoulder of the flight officer. "Civilian registry lists it as the science vessel Tobias. It also says the vessel went missing and was assumed lost in the Gamma quadrant during the war. Ladies and Gentlemen I believe we have ourselves a bonified mystery."


He turned to me, obviously trying not to look annoyed. "Return to your seat cadet. We'll be underway soon."


He didn't await a response, turning back to the view screen, as the Tobias came within range. I didn't remain long for fear of ticking the guy off but, I could tell from what I saw that she was adrift. From where I stood, backing my way down the isle toward my seat, she didn't appear damaged just idle. I went back and sat down, listening to the Antioch's crew attempt to make contact. No one aboard expected a response. Not after all this time. And, they weren't disappointed. They never got one.


What they did get none of us were prepared for. The first 'wave', for lack of a better description, hit shortly after the first transmission was received by the Tobias' on board systems. The cabin filled with the acrid scent of decay. As the smell cleared, shrieking screams of pain and agony came in wave after wave, growing in intensity. The sound didn't come from the comm system. It came right out of the air as a cold stale wind blew through the cabin. Then the Tobias disappeared and all was once again silent.


"Report!" Yung looked around the cabin waiting for someone to offer some kind of explanation. "What the hell was that?!"


Several crewmen opened their mouths to try to provide an answer but, were left sitting there with their mouths hanging open as the translucent visage of a young woman appeared in the center of the drive section, pointing outward to where the Tobias had been.


Her hair seemed caked or matted with some dark substance that could have been blood but really wasn't identifiable. Part of her face was missing. Like someone had hacked into it with a shard of broken glass. The edges wept small flecks of blood and lymphatic fluid, giving it a speckled edge that only added to the horror of the sight. The missing skin had been rather haphazardly replaced with what look like some form of polymer. Stitched into the skin in an odd zig-zag pattern. Blood and other viscous fluids poured from her lips as they began to move. Her eyes stared straight ahead, transfixed on something only she could see.


She opened her mouth and once again the cabin filled with that acrid, nauseating smell and the sound of many voices screaming in disjointed harmony. She faded as quickly as she had arrived and, once again, the Tobias sat, listing in space off the port bow.


You know, I thought about it as I sat there watching this happen. It's one thing being the low-man on the totem pole. It's quite something else to be on the ground looking up at the totem pole. Powerless and merely "along for the ride." That's how I felt throughout most of the early stage of this investigation. Useless. A victim waiting to be picked off, with little chance of understanding my attacker much less being able to defend against it. What I didn't realize at the time was, that everyone from Commander Yung down felt exactly the same.


"Shields!" Yung shouted at the terrified crew who attempted to comply. Their hands shook badly and their labored, frightened breath became visible in the cold rancid air of the cabin's drive section.


"Shields unresponsive, Commander." Lieutenant Morton called from the con. "And, Commander, you should have a look at this."


He indicated the forward viewer as Yung turned from where the woman had been standing. The stars were gone. The only thing visible beyond the forward view-screen or port-side view-ports was the Tobias, which appeared enveloped by some form of gassy red luminescence that in all honesty defied description. Both beautiful and horrifying at the same time. From the starboard view-ports nothing at all could be seen except an endless field of blackness occasionally shot through with a thread-like, gaseous looking, crimson ribbon.


"I want a status report on all systems." Yung demanded, stepping closer to the view-screen. "And, I want options people. What the hell are we dealing with."


I didn't intend to answer really. But, back then I had a tendency to allow the things that stomped through my brain force their way out of my mouth without thinking. "I'm sure the people on the Tobias said the same thing. Look what it got them." I said it without thinking about it and without looking away from the view-port. I didn't even notice if Yung reacted till I felt his hand on my shoulder.


"That attitude will serve you well in the Academy cadet. Instructors like a cadet who speaks their mind. Of course there is a time and a place for everything so, how about you can the sarcasm and give us a hand. It'll help keep your mind off the fear."


"Ummm..." I looked up at him, completely unaware that I'd even voiced my opinion aloud. Like I said, my mouth ran of its own free will back then and, more often then not, my sentences ended with my foot firmly ensconced between my teeth. "Of course Commander. I apologize. What can I do to help?"


"Commander." Morton interjected. "I have preliminary systems check reports. Internal and external sensors are functional. Life support is nominal. Shields, weapons, and propulsion are offline with no apparent cause for the failures. Transporters are also on-line, though how much good that will do us, I'm really not sure."


Yung nodded and stood back for a moment, lost in thought. After a few thoughtful nods to himself he turned back to Morton. "All right, you and G'Khol get on those sensors, find out what, if anything, is alive aboard the Tobias. Have Artel and Christiansen put our other passengers to work doing something that will keep them calm and out of the way. The student engineer here," he indicated me causing Morton to raise a rather dismayed eyebrow. " and I are going to see what we can do about shields and propulsion."


"Aye Commander." Morton nodded and headed to the fore section again.


Yung turned to me and smiled warmly. "Think you can handle the shield grid?"


"I...will give it my best shot, sir." I replied feeling like a very small vermiculi on a very large hook.


Over the course of the next two hours the crew of the Antioch, its Commander and I made numerous futile attempts to restart the defensive and propulsion systems. There were periodic apparitions by the same woman and the occasional bout with that horrid smell and those awful wails of terror and pain. By the end of hour number three it became clear we were getting nowhere fast. Yung slowly came to the conclusion that if they were going to get answers there was really only one place they stood a chance of finding them.


"Mister Morton," He called from the engine room. "Assemble your team and ready the protective gear. You're going over to the Tobias."


...To Be Continued


Ohh, can't anybody see

We've got a war to fight

Never found our way

Regardless of what they say

How can it feel, this wrong

From this moment

How can it feel, this wrong


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