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even the gods...

Dionysius, or Dio as people called him for some reason, was not amused.

or content

or even Civil.

He stared at the Old Father with utter contempt.

"What the hell do you want?" Dio demanded, "I'm late for a rendezvous."

A twinkle appeared in the Old Father's one eye.

"Yes, I know. Aboard a mortal station. Taking orders from Mortals."

"First off, I AM mortal, thanks to your favorite daughter. And second, one of them is El Aurian. Not quite as mortal as people think."

Woden, Zeus, and Santa Clause all rolled into Old Father looked sternly at me. "You know you can return to us at any time, my son."

Dio laughed. "Not worth it, Father, I know the price you ask from me, and I will not pay it. Not even to return to my...er...loving...family."


The power from Old Father started to permeate, and Dionysius, once god, began to tremble. "I could destroy you with a thought!" He bellowed as lightning started to flash in the black void which they occupied. "But will you?" Asked Dio, just as quiet as Old Father was loud. Old Father sighed, and the storm lifted. "Of course not." He said. "But, my son..."

"I am not your son anymore." Said Dionysius defiantly. "You let Artemis to this to me. And even after she died you would not take back the requirements she had put for my return."


Two ravens flew from the nothingness and landed on Old Father's shoulders, and began speaking into his ears. He seemed put off, perterbed, and Dionysius distinctly heard him say "Arese, why the Cardassians?" Before looking at Dio. "I must leave." He said. "One of your siblings is causing trouble. I believe it will affect your mortal friends." Dio laughed.

"Friends? Just because I have respect for these...mortals doesn't mean I want their friendship. Or, more specifically, trust their friendship. Too many wanted power from me. How they knew they could get it from me I don't know, I'm not ominscient any more, I don't know which of my brothers leaked the secret of My Name."

Old Father turned to leave. He turned his head while he walked. "All you have to do is say your true name, Dionysius, and you can return to us."


"Never." Called Dio. Not in anger, not in defiance, but as simple fact. "The cost is too high, Father. Take away the Requirements, and I will join again."


The black void disapeared, and Dionysius found himself in the shuttle that he had got for himself to fly after the last time he relied on someone else. Quickly checking the Chrono, he cursed. His Father had kept him late. Again!

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