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Capt Ayers

Dinner Plans

Ethan angrily snaps "If that's the case, Captain, I request permission to punch the Admiral if he ever again refers to you as 'my boyfriend' on duty."


Nick blinks and says in surprise "He said what?!" Nick, who had been leaning back the desk in his office, straightens to his full height as a very palatable anger sweeps through him. His hands ball up into fists and he slams them back against the desk. His relationship with Ethan was complicated enough and it just gotten more complicated as a result of the shift in command structure, the last thing Nick wanted or needed was the Admiral heaping even further complications on it by shooting off his mouth. As it is, if the Admiral had been in the room right now he might not have gotten out of it intact.


The Admiral had said a lot of caustic remarks once he had found out about the secret Nick had hid from him and instantly Nick knows that this remark was one from that time period..one he obviously had not been there to hear originally. At least the others were somewhat understandable, this one was most definitely not.


"He actually said that?" Nick growls as he paces around the office. Even before Ethan can answer, Nick answers his own question. "Of course he did. How dare he! If he thought our relationship was interfering..." Nick stops the pacing and closes his eyes as his mind whirls. After a few seconds he opens his eyes and moves towards the doors. In so doing he steps past her and as he does so he says grimly "I will go resolve this....and see about that transfer."


Ethan grabs his arm as he starts toward the door. "Oh, no you don't. This is MY problem, not yours. You weren't there, and at the time, you had been relieved of duty. It's my 'honor' that he tarnished. I will deal with it. I think he hopes that by stepping down, he'll get out of having to deal with this. Well, he's got another thing coming. He's not getting off so easily... even if I have flick one of his antennae to get his attention."


She releases his arm, though stays ready to grab it again if he takes another step. "Nick, I'm asking you, as a friend, to stay out of this. And don't you dare request a transfer! or I'll flick your antennae." She smiles briefly, letting him absorb that threat--a difficult one to carry out since he isn't Andorian. "In all honesty, if I'm going to be stuck with this role, at least I'll be stuck in it with someone I can talk to--someone that I can 'read'. ...My dear, if you go, I go."


He stares at her for a minute before sighing and letting go of the anger. He says "Very well, mon cher, I'll let you handle it and I won't go seeking a transfer as well as staying out of it otherwise. Though, it's precisely because it's a slur against your honor that has me mad. If it was mine I could shrug it off." He shakes his head "Though...you can certainly take care of yourself and don't need me to...my apologies, I had no right do that."


He turns and steps back towards his desk where he sits on the edge of it. "I'm closer to you then I am to anyone else on this station but that and one solitary brief kiss hardly makes me your boyfriend. At best I'm a potentiality. I just wish he'd mind his own business and that things wouldn't get quite so complicated. I would think the Universe would at least allow us to have something of a normal life outside of this..." He sweeps his arm around the room, taking in the office and the Control Tower beyond as he adds "...outside of duty and the job."


"It's not the rumor that concerns me, nor the fact that it was about me... or you. It's the example that it sets. I expect, and I believe that Starfleet expects, senior officers to act with decorum and dignity, and to treat those that serve with and report to them with the same dignity. He didn't... and that is my only issue. He put a bad image forth, and I want to be sure he knows it."


She pauses, tilting her head to one side, "As for a 'normal life,' I don't think there is such a thing. You are, or soon will be, Captain of this station. I will be your CEO, XO, CXO... whatever you want to call it." With a mischievous grin, she added, "I always did like the designation 'Twic', personally... but it's your station, call me what you like, just don't call me late for target practice."


"If you really want a life outside of the job, however, you'd better get around to asking me to dinner. Or are you waiting for me to ask you? If so, then fine... Would you have dinner with me?"


Nick smiles "Sure, dinner would be perfect. And as you're the one who asked I'll leave it up to you where we have dinner. Anywhere is fine with me. Just one suggestion though. We don't talk about business during it, nor the Admiral for that matter. Not really the things one should talk about during a 'date' if I may use that term and if I'm not getting ahead of myself."


"And you're right, there isn't exactly such a thing as a normal life. I meant more in the sense of doing nor...well like having dinner together or even picnics and dances just to name some examples. Things that don't involve us dealing with cantankorous Ambassadors, loudmouthed Admirals of the blue-skin variety or otherwise or all the various situations that are going to pop up for that matter. I suppose what I want is to not have to be wearing this uniform, metaphorically speaking, even when I'm off duty."


"I do have one question, however. What is a 'Twic'? I assume that it means 'The Woman in Charge' yes?" He pauses slightly then adds "And I suppose I should answer your earlier question. One of the reasons I didn't tell you what was going to happen concerning the command structure change was personal. To borrow your words, my dear if you go, I go."


Ethan flashes him a quick smile. "Twic. Two-I-C, Second In Command. It's from a book I read once. And agreed, no shop talk at dinner, and yes, you may call it a 'date'. Where would you like to go? I'm hungry."


He smiles "Ah. Though I think I like my version of it better. And as for where we'll have dinner, I said it was up to you so lady's choice. If we don't care about privacy then Drankums or one of the other restaurants on the Midway would work. Or if we want some privacy there is yours or my quarters or the holodeck for that matter." He steps towards the door and glances back at her "Like I said, your choice. Shall we go?"

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