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"Starting a Revolution"

Sloane paced in the back room of the small abandoned warehouse that he had found to set up this little meeting. The door swing open and a short balding man walked in. "How many did you get Smithers?"


"It was difficult sir..." the man stuttered a bit, "I only found eight people who agreed to come back with me..." Sloane backhanded the man and he fell to the floor.


"Eight!!! You only found 8. Pathetic, but 8 is a start. These eight could find more to join us. In such ways are revolutions born." Sloane helped Smithers back to his feet and patted him on the shoulder. "Eight is a good beginning."


Sloane walked out into the room and looked around at the group of people there. They were a ragtag group nothing special except for one who caught his eye. A young man in a uniform bearing a patch with the NX project logo on it. The first thing Sloane thought was that he might be a spy, but there was something in his eyes that told Sloane otherwise. Sloane walked in front of the crowd.


"Thank you all for coming today. Let's not dance around the topic. We all know why awe are here today and that is the mockery that Starfleet has made of Earth." Sloane continued to walk around the crowd, "I know you see what I see. Just think if we keep doing what were doing Earth will wind up being the police force of the universe. Think of all the problems that have been caused all ready from us leaving our solar system. The Klingons, the Andorians,...." Sloane paused for a moment, "the Xindi."


Murmurs broke out among the small crowd. Sloane hated the Xindi as much as anyone else, but he knew that he could use that hatred as a tool to bend these people. "If Enterprise had never left Earth and been trekking through the stars the Xindi would never have heard of Earth. The Xindi are not the ones to blame though. NO the true blame lies with Starfleet." Sloane grinned to himself. "We must teach them a lesson. Starfleet must remember what makes us Human. Earth must be put before anything else, or what do we have? Nothing thats what we have. I would like you to join me and make Starfleet remember this. Who among you will join me?"


The small crowd clapped and most nodded there head in agreement all save the man in the uniform. Sloane walked over to the young man and pulled him to the side. "You don't seem as excited as everyone else... What was your name again? I don't beileve I ever caught it."


"Stephen sir."


"Stephen its a pleasure to meet you. So what brought you here today if you don't mind me asking?"


"Honestly I don't know. At the time it sounded like a good idea. I work for Starfleet and they have done alot for me."


"Why then Stephen? Why did you decide to come here today to listen to me?"


"I lost my family in the attack a year ago. My parents and my fiancee were waiting on me. We were supposed to be having a picnic. I was running late and before I could make it there the Xindi struck."


"Think about it this way Stephen. Would the Xindi have ever bothered us if we had stayed here on Earth. If we keep going to the stars like this we will always be placing Earth in danger. If Enterprise had never left your family would still be here Stephen. Starfleet robbed you of them. Join me Stephen. Make them remember. Make them suffer like you've suffered." Sloane extended his hand. Stephen shook his hand and nodded his head in agreement. Sloane grinned and thought to himself Yes we shall make them suffer.

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