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"Dreams and Realities" - Part I

Lieutenant Junior Grade Garnoopy

Personal Log Stardate 50301.31

“Dreams and Realities” - Part 1 of 3


Garnoopy opened his eyes and stared at the bright lights above. He took in a breath, and sat up. Sickbay was strangely empty. "Hello?" he called out, looking around, but no response came from any of the surrounding areas. Hopping off the bed, he noted that he was already in full uniform.


Suddenly, from behind him, a loud sound emanated, startling Garnoopy. "Moooooooooooo". Turning around, he noted a cow had stepped into sickbay from one of its offices. He smiled, waved, and stepped into the hallway.


Walking towards the turbolift he felt a spring in his step and wondered why no one had woken him while in sickbay. He shrugged his shoulders, dismissing the thought and continued his way, noting another cow attempting to fix a fused power relay.


"Computer, Bridge" he said, as he stepped into the turbolift. The turbolift shuddered and moved rapidly to port, throwing Garnoopy off balance.  "Sideways?" he grunted, as he pushed himself upright.  "We should be going up."  He looked around, still muttering, "Inertial dampners must be offline in here."  The doors opened to the bridge and he stepped off, making a mental note to run a complete diagnostic on the turbolifts.


Looking around, he noted the green grass on the bridge was growing nicely this time of year. Along with the flowers that had been planted under the view screen. There were cows sitting in both the Commodore and Captains' chairs, and they were discussing something which Garnoopy could not seem to understand. At the science station, a cow leaned pointing to a panel, attempting to figure out something with what appeared to be a map, and another cow sat at the helm station.


He smiled, and walked over to the engineering station, reliving the cow that was sitting there. The "moo's" and the sound of crewmembers munching on grass were very pleasant in the background as he brought up the information on he latest design for a pillow someone had requested. It was difficult and he kept finding that the right specifications for the pillow were eluding him.


A tap on the shoulder startled him. Turning around his eyes opened in shock and his jaw dropped. He started into the eyes that confronted him. "But ... you’re supposed to be gone..."

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