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annie stewart

Fanatics Among Us

"Did you hear the latest?"


The voice came from above and beside her. Lt. Ann Stewart was on the floor, legs crossed in front of her. She looked up from the impulse engine schematic she had been studying and sighed.


"If you're referring to Murphy, yes, I heard," she replied as patiently as possible. She immediately returned her attention to the oversized hard copy of the schematic she had spread out all around her.


"What do you think? I mean, talk about ingratitude!"


Annie again glanced up at Ben Johnson, whom she'd known for more years than she cared to remember. She really didn't have time for this conversation. "I'm pretty sure ingratitude had nothing to do with it."


Lt. Stewart didn't bother trying to refocus on the task at hand. She could tell by Ben's expression he had a lot on his mind. And he was determined to share his thoughts no matter what.


Her fellow engineer stooped down beside her and folded his hands in front of him. "They tossed him aside like yesterday's trash," whispered Johnson. "I call that ingratitude....in capital letters."


Annie messauged the back of her neck with both hands and drew a deep breath. "Ben," she said quietly. "They replaced him because we're behind schedule. We have less than six months to build this ship. And quite frankly, Murphy doesn't have a good track record when it comes to finishing jobs on time."


"You're talking about Columbia, right?"

"Yes, I'm talking about Columbia. How far behind is that project? Eighteen months, two years?"

"But a lot of that wasn't his fault."


Annie looked directly into the eyes of her long time friend. "Your right, a lot of that wasn't Murphy's fault. But a lot of it was." She hesitated a moment and looked around the room to insure they were alone. "He's not that capable, Ben. To be honest with you, I don't know how he made it as far as he has."


Stewart couldn't help but see the shock in Johnson's eyes. "You worked with him for a long time," he snorted. "I thought you liked him."


Annie shook her head slightly. "I worked with him for years but I never told you or anyone else that I liked him."


"You never said you didn't!"


"I never said anything, one way or the other. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy. And he makes the best marguaritas this side of Jupiter. But I assure you, I worked with him long enough to know that he's more skilled at making up excuses than meeting a deadline."


Ben stewed on her words for a moment before replying. "I've always heard he's the best we have."

Annie pulled the elastic band from her pony tail and let her hair fall to her shoulders. "He's lazy. And if he's the best we have, we're in big trouble."


Johnson stood up and clasped his hands behind him. "What do you know about this new guy, what's his name....Moore?"


Annie shrugged. "Nothing."

"I heard he was on the NX project and quit."

"I heard he was a fantatic," quipped Annie. She immediately regretted her choice of words.

"You just said you didn't know anything about him."

"I don't."

"Then why did you say he's a fanatic."

"I didn't say he was a fanatic," she replied quietly. "I said I HEARD he was a fanatic."

"Awww Annie!" sputtered Johnson. "Cut it out! You know what I mean."


Stewart pulled her blonde hair back into a new pony tail and slipped on the elastic band. She looked up at the 6'3" Johnson towering over her. "Calm down, Ben," she sighed. "I just heard a rumor, that's all. Somebody said the grapevine had it that Moore was a little on the fantaical side when it comes to details. After reading his memo, I think there may be some truth to that. But do I KNOW it for a fact, NO I don't. So please don't go off telling everybody I said Moore is a fanatic."


"I wouldn't do that!"

"Oh really?" Annie stared at Ben for several seconds. He finally blinked.

"Okay, I promise I won't say anything."

"Thank you." Stewart returned her attention to the schematic only to be interrupted a few seconds later.

"He probably wants to command Challenger," groaned Ben.

"So what if he does?"

"Would you want a fanatic in command?"


Lt. Stewart finally gave up. There was no point sitting on the hard, cold floor when it was obvious she wasn't going to get any work done as long as Ben wanted to talk about the new guy in charge. She extended her hand and Johnson helped her to her feet. She walked across the room to a small, well used refrigerator tucked away under a counter and opened the door. "Do you want a bottle of water?"


Ben shook his head so Annie pulled only one bottle out of the refrigerator and leaned against the cabinets. "Mr. Moore could very well be a great captain," she said pointedly. "I don't know enough about him to pass judgement....and neither do you!"


Johnson opened his mouth to respond but Ann cut him off. "Besides, they're giving Challenger to Moose."

"Bull Moose? Is that another proclaimation off the grapevine?"

She looked at him incredulously. "Come now, Ben. You're the one who told me about that!"

Her friend smiled brightly. "Oh yea....now I remember. Fortunately, I think that is engraved in concrete."


Annie took a sip of water while Johnson made his way toward the door. "They don't come any better than Moose," said Ben matter of factly. "Challenger will be in good hands with ole Bull Moose in the captain's chair."


"Yes, she will," agreed Ann. "Just don't let Moose catch you calling him old."

"I'm smarter than that," chuckled Johnson as he waved and walked out of the room. "See you later!"


"See ya, Ben!" Annie waited until the door closed behind him before shaking her head and returning to the schematic. She knew Ben would be back as soon as he realized that it was more than likely Moore would be the Challenger's XO.


But unlike her friend, that didn't bother Ann Stewart at all. She'd heard long ago that command officers had to be a little fanatical to succeed. She'd come to believe that was true. And that meant Challenger was definitely in good hands.


Now, if she could only figure out the problem with the stupid impluse engines before the fanatics decended on her.

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