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Peyton Summers

"No More Fairy Tales"

"No More Fairy Tales"

A Log by Ensign Peyton Summers

Stardate 0406.07


Melina Amakiir barely recognized herself. The normally dark-haired beauty looked into the mirror and saw a young blonde woman staring back at her. The 17 year old princess knew it would it take some time to get used to this new girl; but she knew it was what she truly wanted for her life. The full moon was in the sky and through the windows of her room, it's magical light caressed her and soothed her. She would need that soothing for the journey she was about to begin. Time was ticking away and in a moment her life would be completely different.


She slipped her clothing on; wearing the less ornate garments she was used to wear, and opting for a pair of black riding pants and a black blouse. Melina did not want to draw attention to herself .. and walking around in a glistening outfit and a tiara might warrant some attention. It was time to blend in. And to slip away. She moved towards the doors, stopping to blow out the candles that were the only illumination (besides the moonlight) in her room. As the last candle's light faded away, she took one last look at her home and slipped out her door.


Leaving the castle was the easy part. Melina knew that the gates would be the hardest. All the guards knew her and could easily point a finger and ask her why she was parading around in the middle of the night. She would have to create a distraction. As she crept towards the gates, she picked up a good sized rock off the ground and threw it in the opposite direction. It caused a rather loud crash and the guards sprung into action, as their training dictated. It was just enough time for Melina to slip through the gates and disappear into the wooded areas nearby. Her heart beat fast in exhilaration.. freedom was no more than a few miles away and she could nearly taste it in the salty beads of perspiration dripping from her brow. So close.


The city of Tersala was quiet and serene at this time of night. Any other time it would be busy, loud and chaotic. Melina loved the chaos of the city, and enjoyed any outing she could to into her kingdom's metropolis. She would miss this place the most. But the time for reminisce was not now. The spaceport was only a few blocks away and she could see the lights of the transports leaving and arriving in the night sky above her. As she approached, she slowed down and raised the hood her cloak. Melina acted nonchalantly .. hoping not to be recognized. Her violet eyes finally gazed upon the transport ship that would be her salvation, the Promise. What an appropriate name, she thought, of the ship that would take her to freedom. Her fingers slipped into her pockets and retrieved the golden coins that would pay her passage. The pilot looked at her closely when he took her money.


"What is a young thing like you doing taking a transport this late at night?" He asked her. She glanced up with her mesmerizing eyes and pursed her lips.


"I don't like crowds .."


The pilot laughed heartily, motioning her to board the craft, "Neither do I .. perhaps that's why I like this run. Welcome aboard the Promise. We depart in two minutes. Make yourself comfortable..."


Melina grinned slightly and pushed past him to board. She found a seat near the back, isolated from the other few passengers taking the same transport. Those last few minutes seemed to take forever. Eventually, the doors closed and the loud hum of the engines firing up caused the transport ship to shudder slightly. It caused her heart to skip a beat, but she enjoyed it's sounds and movements. Within seconds the horizon disappeared and space consumed them.


"We will be traveling at warp 7, and will be arriving at Starbase 49 in approximately 5 hours. So sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of your journey." The pilot glanced back and caught Melina's eyes. She smiled at him and he returned it. He had a feeling about that girl. Something big was in store for her .. he could sense it.


Melina closed her eyes .. the future was not just a glimmer in her mind anymore. The future was now. No more fairy tales and dictation. Only free will and Starfleet. It awaited her on the other side of the rainbow.




"Welcome to Starbase 49! Just come on through here with your bags and credentials!" The smiling woman in a Starfleet uniform greeted the passengers. The young blonde woman approached her, handing over a card. The officer looked at her, and at the card and smiled, "Welcome aboard, Miss Peyton Summers! We hope you enjoy your stay. The transport heading to Earth doesn't leave for a few hours. Have a great stay and a pleasant trip."


Violet eyes glittered at the woman, "Thank you ... thank you." Peyton Summers walked away from Melina Amakiir, a new woman with a new destiny.

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