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"Keeping a Watchful Eye"

Tovek looked out of his side window, 9 other Sh'ran class cruisers flew pass. Tovek pondered. Was E'shok ready to command this fleet? Will he do best to protect the human vessel? He asked him self these questions with out emotion. Tovek judged E'Shok's Command skills, deplomatic skills and combat skills. Indeed he was the logical choice, his command is efficent and swift, always seeking the nonviolent way to Solve things.


Indeed, he IS the ideal captain for this task. He answered 2 minutes later. The ships broke formation and proceeded to their individual patrol check points around earth, seeking anything out of the ordinary. Tovek nodded to the window and walked out of his quarters, to the bridge.


"Good morning, Ambassador." E'Shok said, nodded from his chair. Tovek studied his face for a moment and nodded.


"Good morning, Captain." Tovek responded, looked around the bridge and returned his gaze back upon the test subject. "Status?" He fired his first question.


"All ships reported negative spy activity, negative Andorian, klingon, Romulan movement, and no Xindi vessels are present. Our ship is functioning within normal parameters." E'shok confidently relayed his Status report.


Tovek nodded and stood in the center of the bridge, watching the main viewer. The T'pa stared straight at the Dry dock, with the skeleton shape of the NX-05. Tovek studied with interest. He looked back at the captain then to the Operations officer.


"I want a high resolution image of that ship and station please." Tovek Requested, the operations officer nodded and tapped his console.


"Complete, Ambassador, would you like it on a padd?"


"No that is not necessary, just store it in the main memory core, a reference if you will." Tovek nodded. The ops officer nodded and returned to his duty.


E'Shok looked to his arm rest, noting the time.


"Alpha shift is relieved. Present bridge crew is dismissed. Delta shift please report to stations." The captain called into the coms. Their mission had just begun.


Edited by Tovan

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