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Veloras Itana

Multi-Tasking Pt. I


Pt. I


~This is mine, that's mine, this is mine...~ Itana watched Jonas flit about the room, prodding her belongings with his long, nearly reptilian tongue. "Knock it off Jonas. I'm working here." ~This is mine, that's mine...~ He hopped from the table to the dresser, then over to the mirror, knocking several perfume bottles to the floor as he landed with a thud.


~How'm I lookin?~ He posed in front of the mirror, preening for a moment. ~I'm lookin niiiiice. My fur is nice, my eyes are nice...my wings...I'm lookin niiiiice~ "Jonas PLEASE!" Itana sat in the middle of the floor surrounded by schematic padds and refit designs, trying to concentrate but failing miserably as Jonas took off again landing next to her. As the stack of padds to her left toppled over and fanned out across the floor, all she could do was sigh as he climbed into her lap.


~Don't you think I'm lookin nice?~ He purred up at her, expecting that she understood what he was thinking. She didn't of course but, Jonas didn't notice. He proceeded to clean himself, certain that she would much rather be paying attention to him than whatever those things were on the floor that didn't look nearly as nice as he did.


"I have to finish this, Jonas. Why don't you go destroy the bathroom again, you seem to enjoy that." Itana set him back on the floor and started assembling the data on the cloaking device back into the order she had it in. It briefly occurred to Jonas that he should probably try to understand what she was saying but, before long he realized he honestly didn't care. Something else caught his attention and he was once again airborne. ~Ooo shiny thing! This is my shiny thing!~ He landed on the foot of the bed, staring intently at Itana's duty log before nudging it with his nose. When it didn't move he scooped it up with his front feet and took off once again for his nest. ~I found it. It's mine.~ He buried it in the back of his nest and yawned with satisfaction. ~food? nap? Too many decisions! I'll take a nap, then eat.~ He curled up, purring loudly and went back to sleep.


An hour or so later, Itana had finally managed to gather her thoughts into a coherent duty log for that day's shift. She stood up, stretching her sore muscles and, walked over to the bed to retrieve her log padd. It was gone. She turned back to the stack on the floor, picking through them, sure that she had left it on the bed. When she didn't find it hidden among the rest, she knew exactly where to start looking. "Jonas!" She shouted as she headed for what remained of the closet after Jonas had decided to make it his home.


It took nearly an hour more to wrestle her personal PADD back from Jonas, who was sleeping on it and the myriad of other things he'd collected over the past week. Among them were two earrings and a bracelet she thought she'd forgotten to pack. There was also something that smelled as if it may have once been alive but, now resembled the plasma sludge that slowly accumulates on the inside of an ion pod, only it smelled worse.


"Jonas damnit." She glared toward the shelf and his "nest". The PADD screen had been cleared. He'd picked it up activated and had crawled back and forth over it enough that he had completely wiped the report she'd been working on. ~Wha...~ Jonas yawned and rolled over, blinking at her. Realizing he still didn't care what she was saying, he just as quickly went back to sleep with a brief snarl at her for disturbing him. She cleaned the mess off her PADD, washed her hands about six times, cursed her beloved Tymiri in Bajoran enough to make the Kai blush and went over to the bed to access the damage his pilfering had caused.


Her personal logs and newest off duty project, Terran cooking, were still in tact but, sure enough, the duty log was gone. It was now 03:00 and the report was due in only six hours. She sighed with exasperation as she realized she would be getting no sleep at all if she were going to get it done and in on time. Flopping on the bed she began again, correlating what she'd learned during her diagnostic and applying it to their current situation

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