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To Be Chief


Lt. (Jg.) Apollo Link

Acting CSCI USS Republic

Stardate 0406.04


>Begin Log<


Despite wanting to flit off to New Bajor, Apollo had to many things to attend to first. There was still many new toys to catalog. There were duty schedules to organize, lab assignments to make, reports to file. Ahh the life of a Chief Science officer.


He had finished assigning shore leave duties a few minutes before and was now working on the duty assignments. He figured that he would get a chance to down planet side tomorrow—maybe. He had divided the science team into two groups today and tomorrow. Pretty simple, right? Wrong. With in a few seconds of sending out he had three calls from various officers demanding to be on day 1 and not day 2.


He sighed. Just as he started work on the duty schedule, the doors slid open and a very angry Talarian came charging in. “Why you…”


Apollo flipped around meeting Lt. Goulry from Astrometrics. “Is there a problem, Mr. Goulry?”


“Yes there is,” the tall Talarian was obviously not pleased. “You didn’t give me any shoreleave time.”


Link almost smiled. In deed he hadn’t given Goulry a spot on either shoreleave shift. “That would be correct,” Link said. “I was going to put you on the first shift, until I found something unusual in our scans of the wormhole, before everything went berserk.”


“And what would that be?”


“I found a band of chronotrons along the wall of the wormhole,” Link said handing him a PADD. “I would like you analyze this data and determine the origin of the chronoton particles and assess what would happen if a ship accident was pushed through the wormhole at that point.”


Goulry didn’t seem to think this was a good reason for him to miss shoreleave. “Bah…assign it to someone else, an ensign or something.”


“No,” Apollo said firmly. “Listen, I am concerned that something might be off kilter with the wormhole, the chronoton particles have never been detected in the wormhole before, I would do it myself, but I have to much work that has to be done. I assigned it to you because I knew you could do it and do it quickly. The reason your not assigned to either shift of shoreleave is because as soon as you finish the preliminary report, your free to go to New Bajor till we leave.”


Huffing a but and glaring, not happy that Apollo had gotten the best of him again, Goulry relented. “Very well then, you will have your report.”


“Thank you.”


Goulry was out the door before Apollo could say anything else.


After five more people had intruppted his work, only to find out Apollo wasn’t changing his mind about who was going on shoreleave and when, Apollo decided to put an end to it.


“Computer,” Apollo said. “Send a memo from me to all Science personnel.”


He quickly tapped up the memo and the computer sent it out. Then it was back to work.


>End Log<





Lt. (Jg.) Apollo Link

Acting CSCI USS Republic

Stardate 0406.04


TO: All Science Personnel



All shoreleave assignments made by myself are final. They are not negotiable. Period. Anyone wishing to complain can place a complaint once we are back in space and it will be filled. Until then anyone who comes to me with a complaint regarding why you are on shift 1 or 2, will not receive any shorleave and will be assigned to cleaning the laboratories.


Thank you and enjoy your time off.

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