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The Warrior's Way

Magek and Imag sat at a table in a grotty basement in Kronos.


"What is the plan this time?" Imag asked in a gruff voice that could only come from a klingon.


"The plan is simple" Magek answered in an even gruffer deeper tone. "There is a new ship being developed by these human dogs. We shall destroy the ship and the production complex before it is complete. Then we shall see how they fare with their...starfleet"


"But Magek, we can hardly do that. The security alone for such a complex must be unbeatable."


"Foolish Topah! Are you not a member of the brotherhood? We are no ordinary Klingons. We have always acted alone without any support from the council and have always succeeded. Besides, this time we have a little help."


"Help? Help from who?"


"An ambassador staying on Earth has realised the importance of the destruction of this mission. They shall make sure we get into the complex where we will detonate a device."


"An ambassador? That's surprising. Well when shall we get to work?"


"Immediately. Contact the others and begin the neccesary preparations. Our departure must be swift. But remember, the council must not hear of this, so keep your head down."


"I will do as you say Magek"


"Very good. The brotherhood prevails. Qapla!"




Two klingons shook hands and a devious plan was put into motion.

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