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Cptn Elias Moore

Captain Elias Moore

Starfleet Biographical File

Challenger, NX-05


Elias Moore

Rank: Captain

Position: Commanding Officer

Sex: Male

Birthdate: June 14, 2126

Place of Birth: Mars Colony

Phys. Attr.: 5'10", 165lbs, Blue eyes, Lt. Brown hair

Education: Masters in Starship Engineering & Bachelors in Warp Physics from Mars Aerospace Institute, Starfleet Command Training


Father: Dr. Derek Moore, Ph.D. in Starship Engineering, Starfleet Construction Yards, Senior Project Leader

Mother: Dr. Alyssa Moore, Ph.D. in Terraforming, Mars Terraforming Team

Sister: Cadet Judith Moore, Student, Starfleet Academy


Personal History

Elias Moore was born in the Mars Colony. The unstable artificial climate, lack of supply shipments, and dissent among many Mars citizens opposed to the level of Earth jurisdiction made life in the colony difficult. Elias spent a large part of his life being transferred between Mars and Earth, where his father worked on warp drive design and construction. From observing his father's work, Elias picked up his passion for starship engineering.


Throughout his early years of schooling, Elias was very devoted to his science and engineering studies, though he excelled at most other material, possessing a wit sharpened by the neccessity of Martian living. Eventually, Elias enrolled in the Mars Aerospace Institute to study Starship Engineering and Warp Physics. There was not a much wider choice of institutions for higher learning on Mars. In two years, Elias earned Bachelors in both fields before going on to MAI's graduate school to continue studying Starship Engineering. He received his Masters three years later. During these years, Elias formed a romantic relationship with Julie Wagner, a Literature student.


After Elias received his Masters, Starfleet began putting pressure on him to join their ranks. Though it ruined his plans of starting a family with Wagner, he eventually chose the military life. He joined the Starfleet Academy and followed the engineering curriculum for three years. His academic achievements were exceptional, but he received condemnation for several incidents of misconduct, mostly involving scuffles with fellow Academy students. None of these incidents were serious enough to threaten expulsion. He graduated in 2150.


After exiting the Academy, Elias was assigned to the Starfleet Construction Yards as an assistant to his father, Dr. Derek Moore, Associate Project Leader of the NX-01 Warp Drive development. He contributed to both the design and construction of the Warp Five Engine, showing his ingenuity and leadership skills in the process. In two years aboard the Construction Yards, he rose to the rank of Full Lieutenant.


Elias requested transfer to the completed Enterprise, and was offered the position of first assistant to Commander Charles Tucker, ship's chief engineer. For reasons unknown, he turned down the position and revoked his request for an Enterprise assignment.


After the Enterprise position was turned down, most expected Elias to remain a member of the NX design team, but he surprisingly took an open position aboard one of Starfleet's deep Solar vessels, Venture. Venture's Warp One engine was easy enough for the engineering prodigy to handle. Within only a year, he rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander and earned the chief engineer's position aboard Venture.


At the advice of Venture Captain Thomas Julan, Elias began studying for Starfleet's command level training. He performed the first level of command exercises under Captain Julan's supervision. Quickly, the experience, and discussions with Captain Julan, offered the often cynical, rudely outspoken officer a new outlook on Starfleet duty. Wishing to pursue a career in command, he returned to Starfleet Academy and continued his training under the tutelage of Admiral Frank Richards. He completed the training without incident and was promoted to the rank of Commander in 2154.


Pressured by the Earth Government to accelerate its deep space program, Starfleet Command shuffled the NX design team. Starfleet ordered Elias to their Construction Yards where he was to assume his promoted father's former position of Warp Drive Project Leader. His only major responsibility in this position would be to oversee the accelerated design and construction of the NX-05 after a severe structural collapse caused a 6-month setback of the NX-02 project. At his suggestion, Starfleet integrated a substantial Martian element into the construction process. The NX-05 project was relocated to Martian orbit, and, with the size of the labor force increased five-fold, Elias was able to meet the tight construction deadline.


Elias was chosen to serve as first officer of the newly completed Challenger, and he accepted the position. During the year that Elias served in this capacity, Challenger's encounters included the Acamarian and Caitian first contacts, the first Khitomer crisis, and mysterious confrontations (the details of which are deemed confidential) with both Andorian and Suliban agents. Elias' first command came with the Orion abduction of Challenger's commanding officer, Commodore Fitzgerald Moose. Elias oversaw the successful retrieval of Moose and several other kidnapped crew in an operation that exposed the most recent threat to Starfleet interests--the Orion wormhole-ship.


Challenger was MIA for six months following the Caitian first contact, a period of time missing from the crew's memories. During this time, Commodore Moose vanished without a trace and Challenger returned to Earth without its commanding officer. Elias was promoted and placed in command of Challenger in the Commodore's stead. Challenger's current primary mission is the establishment of a colony and orbital starbase in the Nequencia system, a project which Elias heads in addition to his command responsibilities.


Career Timeline

June, 2144--Received Bachelors degrees in Starship Engineering and Warp Physics

May, 2147--Received Masters degree in Starship Engineering

September, 2147--Entered Starfleet Academy

May, 2150--Graduated from Starfleet Academy, Posted at Starfleet Construction Yards, Assigned to Enterprise Project, Warp Drive Design & Construction--Assistant under Dr. Derek Moore

November, 2150--Promoted to Lieutenant (Junior Grade) by Admiral Frank Richards

October, 2151--Promoted to Full Lieutenant by Admiral Frank Richards, Transferred to Venture--Assistant Engineer under Captain Thomas Julan, Commander Daniel Kognedo, and Lieutenant Jeffery Fawkes

September, 2152--Assigned Chief Engineer of Venture, Promoted to Lieutenant Commander by Captain Thomas Julan, Began Command Level Training on Venture

June, 2153--Transferred to Starfleet Headquarters to complete Command Training

April, 2154--Promoted to Commander by Admiral Frank Richards

May, 2154--Transferred to Starfleet Construction Yards, Assigned to Challenger project, Warp Drive Design & Construction--Project Leader

September, 2154--Appointed First Officer of Challenger

July, 2155--Assigned Commanding Officer of Challenger, Promoted to Captain by Admiral Daniel Leonard

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