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Veloras Itana

For All The Right Reasons Pt. V "Borhyas"

For All The Right Reasons

Pt. V




"I'm not expecting an answer, Veloras, I doubt I'd really want one even if you were prepared to give it. But, we both know I have to ask so, how about I ask and get it out of the way, then we can talk." Shakaar Edon and Veloras Ranik sat alone under a camouflaged overhang at a very small fire pit on the edge of the eastern encampment. "You're a long way from home, Ranik. What were you and your daughter doing in the valley today?"

Soft moaning and the occassional cough from the wounded could be heard from within the rockface but, from here, no entrances could be seen. Ranik surveyed the area, only barely able to make out the perimeter guards that were hidden in the trees and underbrush, keeping a watchful eye on the camp and their commanding officer in the pre-dawn light.

"I'm not going to insult your intelligence General. I respect you and what your group has accomplished far too much to show such disrespect. But, I can not answer that question honestly so, I won't answer it at all." He lowered his eyes a moment. "The Ornathia only just learned of the potential danger to the Kendra Valley settlement. I was asked to deliver a message. That is all I can or will say."

Shakaar nodded with a smile. "Then that is all I shall ask. Though, I do see questions in your eyes." He replied, leaning against a moss-covered boulder. "Ask them. Though, I reserve the right to be just as forthcoming." He chuckled.

"The survivors." Ranik began, "Do you have a list of names yet?" He looked up and saw Shakaar about to object to the question but, quickly raised his hand. "I don't ask for the list." He continued. "Only to know if my brother and his wife were on it."

"That I can't answer." Shakaar replied quietly. "We don't have the names of the dead yet and, the living are....in shock." Ask me again tomorrow evening and, I may be able to help you."

Ranik nodded and felt his shoulders and neck tense as he poised to ask his next question. "Is there word from beyond the valley yet? Have there been....repercussions?"

Shakaar looked at him curiously and then nodded, understanding why he asked that question. "I don't know if they have made the connection yet, or even if they will. I'm going under the assumption that your superiors in the Ornathia made adequate preparations for this trip so, it is likely the Cardassians will not connect you to the Valley cell. The Prophets be willing, I think your family is safe."

Ranik sighed visibly, and sunk back against the trunk of a fallen tree. The Ornathia, had no idea he had been asked to make this trip. In fact, there were only four people who knew he was here and why. None of them were connected to the resistance in any overt way. Ranik didn't correct him though. He couldn't. How could he without explaining why? All he could do now was try to make it back there to find out for himself and, hope his worst fears wouldn't be realized.

The woman who had been left to care for Itana, Imas Keran, came running toward them from the direction of the caves. "Mister Veloras, sir, you need to come right now." She stopped, trying to catch her breath. "It's your daughter sir, she woke up screaming and I can't get her to stop!" She exclaimed with emphatic arm motions. "She must have had a hell of a nightmare sir. She keeps screaming the word borhyas and, nothing seems to calm her. Please, sir, she's scaring my children." The woman rattled on as Ranik gently clasped her shoulders.

Ranik ran to Itana's side, followed closely by Keran. As they approached they could hear that she was still screaming. The sun was nearly up now and, they had to get her to quiet down quickly or risk exposing the location of the entire camp.

"Borhyas!!" Itana shouted, shaking visibly from head to toe with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Daddy, help me!" She screamed over and over.

Ranik grabbed her up and held her close, pressing his lips to the side of her face. "There's no ghosts here my darling girl. Please, quiet now." He rocked her softly, humming in her ear the song he'd sung to the twins since they were born.

This only made Itana more upset and her body nearly siezed with fear. "TARA! NO! Don't go! Daddy help me please! Help me!" She screamed again and again as beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Her _expression dimmed for a second as her eyes closed and she fell limp in his arms.

"Itana!" Ranik shook her, lightly patting the side of her face, feeling panic welling in his chest as she did not respond. "Itana wake up!" He shook her harder, lowering his head to her chest, exhaling with relief as he realized that her heart beat was strong and her breath was even. She had only fainted from the excitement but, what had caused it? What could she have seen in her dreams that would scare her to the point of being inconsolable? He decided to let her awaken on her own and, carried her off to a more secluded part of the cave, further inside in case she woke screaming again.

...To Be Continued


Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming

Cannot cease for the fear

Of silent nights

Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming

The goddess of imaginary light


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