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I long to accomplish a great & noble task,

but it is my chief duty,

to accomplish humble tasks,

as though they were great & noble.

The world is moved by along,

not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes,

but by the aggregate of the tiny pushes,

of each honest worker.

- Helen Keller


Crispin followed Lieutenant Kroells orders to inventory and power up all labs systems. As Crispin was heading to Science Labs One and Two on Deck 6. As Crispin entered Lab One, he found it in some disarray, the repair crews fixed the paneling, the consoles and most of the equipment. But left food wrappers, drink containers as well as equipment spread all over the floor. Crispin sighed and went to work.


Crispin set about to work, cleaning the lab, putting everythingy in its place and cataloging all of the gear, noting what was missing. He marked it on a PADD and went to lab two.


When Crispin arrived in Science Lab two he found it much in the same state as lab one, but there was less work to do. It was clean and the lab itself was in order, but again there was a problem with the gear. It was all in storage boxes and not where it should be.


So Crispin went about putting the gear away, while marking it off on the invoice. There were only three sensor pads missing, but that was not a great loss, as the pads never seem to get used.


Once Crispin was done, he headed for the Turbo Lift, “Deck 8, Section 9, Science Lab three.” Crispin listened to the Muzak pour out of the Turbo Lift speakers, oh how he wished an announcement would come through stopping that incessant Muzak. But no such luck. Once he reached his deck, he bolted out of the Turbo Lift and headed to the lab, trying to get that tune out of his head.


As Crispin entered the lab, it was more in order, but all the supplies were still in storage containers. So this meant not only did he have to unload the supplies, he would have to match the supplies to the containers invoice and to the request forms. “Great, just great.”


Crispin went to work checking and double checking the invoice, the request form and what was in the storage containers. Every thingy matched up, so Crispin began putting the equipment away. Once he was done he took a little break and ordered a Riegelian Ginger Mint Iced Tea. He sat back, drank his tea and reviewed the lasted reports on Super Strings.


After his break was over, Crispin placed his glass in the replicator and headed to the next lab, Stellar Cartography on deck eleven, section thirteen. There was little to be done in this lab, as it was all hardwired computer equipment. Some panels needed to be overhauled and a diagnostic run. But this lab proved to be the easiest.


After that was done Crispin headed to deck twenty-two, to go over Science Lab 4, Botanical Garden, Botanical Lab, Biological Sciences Lab.


With everythingy in place, Crispin filed his log and went to the crew lounge to sit back and enjoy a nice glass of Riegelian Ginger Mint Iced Tea

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