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Vex Xiang

Sorry...No Go

Sorry, folks. I wish I could join you guys. I've really been trying. I've done just about all I could, and I've been trying to access the rooms for almost a month. 2 weeks now as a cadet. They just don't work for me. I tried tonight and when it finally said "connecting" it told me the room was closed and there was already someone in there by my name.


In the past month I've gotten in once. That was in the morning, and no one was there of course.


I just really don't feel like struggling to get into the rooms every single week. If I can't even attend one academy, how can I expect to attend a regular advanced sim?


Let me know when you get new rooms, or STSF has sims in AIM.


Till then, I'm afraid I've got to quit before I even got to join! Good luck, folks.


Xiang, out.

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Hey there,


Sorry that you aren't able to access the rooms Vex. I hope you tried all of the methods posted on the boards. :o


I doubt we'll ever end up using AIM rooms, as that would go against our agreement with Paramount.

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