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STSF Precip

"A conversation with LtCmdr Precip"

Personal Log

Lt Cmdr Mitar Precip

Chief Of Security

Settlement/USS Manticore

Stardate (several months after Colonel Eason's death)


The security officer narrowed his gaze at Precip. "I think I am interested in staying, one must watch over them"


"Noone shall disturb their resting place. Colonel Eason and Lt Lego will remain at peace in this rural setting. I am confident noone is going to visit this world anytime soon." Precip Replied.


"You seem so certain about that. I am not alone in wishing to stay here. Several other officers are leaning towards staying. We've come to love our new home away from the vaccum of space."


"Manticore is your home. We will be returning home, and fix what has been done."

Mitar Returned.


"I have my doubts about our ability to get home. It rests on theory and a ship that needs a drydock to be fixed. Why risk it when we can live out our lives here. We have something here...."


"Taking risks is being a Starfleet officer. And you are one." The Bolian interrupted with a heightened voice. "Our duty is to the Federation not our own self desires to remain on an arboreal Earth to call our own. We have a mission. And that mission is to get Manticore back where she belongs."


"Manticore...perhaps it is better she remain here." The officer suggested.


"That is an aloof suggestion."


"You say we are starfleet officers? Are we? We serve on a ship that is a slap in the face of Federation law. We violate treaties everytime we engage that cloak or cross a border where we don't belong. We have brought death to hundreds. And..this time billions." The Security officer retreated away from Precip's glance briefly...."Perhaps for any timeline it is best that Manticore is put to rest. That she may never be Starfleet't dark shadow again. You know this is true Commander Precip."


The Bolian briefly thought of Colonel Eason..Shadows and Death. Yes, that seems to be our plight. Yet with Death, came new Life. Mitar shook his head at accepting the defeatist officer's arguement.


And with that Precip ended the conversation with the officer in his mirror, his visual reflection; having just endured yet another personal one.

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