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Travis Kroells

Fighting Destiny

“Fighting destiny”…Danny’s logs (log 2)



Today was a bad end to a bad week. Albeit Danny had finally managed to secure a spot outside of the main encampment. Convincing Lieutenant Commander Garnoopy, of the need to been situated near the deuterium replicator was relatively easy. The move was annoying enough, but that had not been the underlying issue of the week. Travis once again plagued his thoughts. Like some insidious virus that wouldn’t let him be…


It was hard enough having to deal with the complicated reasons for their blood relationship. At least, Danny thought with a smile, Travis was lost somewhere in the Beta quadrant. MIA presumed dead, it wasn’t exactly a nice thing to think, but Danny was happy. Travis had it lucky though. He never knew about Daniel, or his father’s secret family…


Danny had been born from Travis’s father’s affair with Danny’s mother. A one night stand that took a wrong turn, and all of a sudden, a rear admiral in Starfleet had two families. An illegitimate son, and a single mother, left with the aftermath of that night. It was a classic story, and Daniel was left with the short end of the stick.


Long story short, Danny, and Travis’s father chose the path most followed. He stayed with his wife, and raised his original son, and Danny became a bad memory. Travis went on to live his life as a well adjusted, properly brought up individual. And Danny was left with his mother to fend for themselves.


Not a day goes by where Danny wished he had the life Travis had, living in his half brothers shadow. The man took every thing that was meant for him, just because of the circumstance of birth. But now, after joining Starfleet, and this ship, no doubt he’ll pass Travis up. No doubt this ship did more spectacular things then even Danny could imagine. Now all that had to be done… was to return to their own time.


Danny shook his head, trying to purge his mind of the thoughts. It’d been almost two months to the day that the crew had been stranded here. Which meant, that the Reaent had been lost in the Beta quadrant for all most three months, unless they made it back by some spectacular miracle? Hopefully not…Daniel smirked; maybe they had to maroon Travis on some planet or something to make it back.


Daniel began to chuckle at that thought as he put up the rest of his personal possessions in the little hut. Tomorrow he would most likely have to make his regular inspections of the device, maybe get a chat in with Chief Garnoopy. The next shipment of deuterium was almost ready, most likely Sten, Tovan, and the others would becoming back from the ship soon, and Daniel might be going up next…

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::Groans, once again forgetting to change costrumes::

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