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Flashback...and then forward

The elder Romulan adjusted her coat in the mirror and narrowed her eyes. She leaned in closer and attempted to raise her brow as her infernally logical cousins often had. She turned her head to one side and practiced a few times, adjusting her eyebrow movements. Furrowing and raising and tilting her head in towards the light. Then she straightened and practiced from a distance a few times.


“Totally illogical.” A pause. Posturing. “Totally illogical.”


And then the doors hissed open.


“What is totally illogical?”


The female Romulan turned in disgust at having been caught in such a ridiculous posture. She turned from the mirror and faced her brother, attempting to appear intimidating.


“Don’t you know how to request entry? Must you barge into my quarters as if you were assigned to them?”


The older Romulan just waved away the notion and headed straight for a cabinet nestled in the other side of the room.


“Please, Una. You never could intimidate me, even when we were children. You just don’t have it in you.” Reaching into the cabinet, he retrieved a flask and a small glass. Then he turned his glance towards his sister.


“Are you having one?”


Una crossed the room and stood, waiting for him to retrieve a glass for her as well. She refused to allow him to see the disdain and frustration in her eyes.


It was too late. Her brother only smiled broadly.


“Lanok, I don’t have time for this. What have you discovered?”


As the older sibling poured, he watched his sister take the first glass. Then he returned the flask to the table top and pushed in the cork. Lanok raised his glass in a toast to Una and took in a deep breath.


“To my sister: The bravest woman ever born on Romulus. May she ever appreciate her stealth in retrieval and...”





The elder brother chuckled. “For someone with such notable abilities, it’s a shame you cannot number patience among them.” Then he drank from the glass. “Your task was a success, sister. We now have our much needed information about the Federation. The USS Providence’s wounded were returned with no noticeable harm done and our tactical officer is planning a more...profitable mission.”


Una furrowed her brow and considered her older brother. She flashed shortly on what it had taken for her medical team to get the information from their captives. It was all part of their mission to gain access to certain Federation Starships and pose periodically as Starfleet officers. But this mission was alittle different. Somehow the RES Talon had information about certain Starfleet officers that baffled Una’s mind.


How could they have know so much about these officers? Had they already had infiltrator’s in Starfleet before this mission? Were there already Romulans living amongst Humans, or maybe even Vulcans? Perhaps there were Romulans POSING as Vulcans, perhaps even at that moment. The thought intrigued Una, more than she ever thought it would have. She blinked and brought herself back to real time, closely considering her brother who was smiling broadly again.


“Are you practicing your Vulcan again?”



Andrea suddenly took in a long breath and almost dropped the padd Yeoman Hilton had just handed her. The flash of memory that had just befallen her as she took the padd she immediately recognized as that from the meld she had experienced with her Grandmother, Una Knlwtchr. Una had touched her just moments before death and had relayed with all she could muster all she could from her life. Andrea could do nothing but take it in and sort it out later. Now those memories were flooding over her, as if she had lived them all herself.


“Counselor, are you all right?”


The Counselor looked at Hilton and nodded.


“Yes, thank you. I will look into it. Thank you.”


Stepping away from the Yeoman now, Andrea made a B-line for Captain Moose’s ready room. She only hoped she could relay it all without sounding like a lunatic.



LtJg Andrea Knlwtchr


USS Arcadia NCC 1742

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