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Security Measures

Security Measures


=/\= A joint log from Warped To The Core Productions :lol: =/\=


Trichon had fallen asleep at his work station again. He was leaned back, a PADD in one hand, an empty cup of coffee in the other. They had been working on reprogramming various over-ride programs after their encounter with the Andorians.


Merri had the coffeepot in her hand but seeing he was asleep, didn't pour coffee. He'd only spill it on himself and wake up yelping for a doctor. And all the doctors were probably off partying. So she poured another cup for herself and put the pot back on the warmer. She didn't like replicated coffee. Her workstation beeped loudly and she jabbed at a button and looked over the problem code.


The loud beep startled Trichon from his slumber, "I'm awake." He looked around and set the empty coffee cup down and rubbed his newly grown beard. He looked over at Merri, "How long was I out?"


"Oh, not even an hour," she responded cheerfully. "And you even finished your coffee before you fell asleep, so you wouldn't spill it. That was very neat of you," she added with a chuckle. "What I want to know is, what the heck is wrong with my phased security field and why won't the computer allow me to apply it to the tubes and ducts off the Bridge..."


Trichon rubbed his eyes and started looking at the information and reports on his work station, "I think we're going about this the wrong way. Maybe if we tried to trick the bridge ducts using this code..." Trichon tapped a few keys and handed the PADD to Merri.


She looked it over. "Hmmm," she pronounced slowly. "This might work, but we need to be able to phase the security fields OFF in order to get through them. Or at least... Hmmm... What if we can program an override code that has to be triggered manually? I was thinking that coded commbadges might fall into the wrong hands and then anyone could get through using our personal codes. But if we install touchpads at the junctions that have to have the override entered manually? What do you think?"


"Touchpads are a great idea. Now the problem is in the blasted security protocol code." Trichon stood up and poured another cup of coffee and took a sip, "Bridge security coding is already touchy enough. Remind me to thank the chief for giving us this project."


"Even better," Merri continued, pausing to take a swig of her own coffee, "we can put in touchpads AND retinal scanners so that the system can get positive ID on whoever is entering the override. And," she added triumphantly, "code it so that if the scanner picks up a particular blink pattern, it will trigger a full alert that will stun everyone within two meters of the scanner! So none of us can be held under threat to override it for an invader."


"By George, I think we cracked it," Trichon sat back down. "Now all we have to do is let Commander Jaruq know and have him sign off on it. Then we might be able to get a break. I have barely even had time to shave here lately with all that's been going on."


"Let alone spend time with that girlfriend of yours," Merri grinned, as she tapped in the changes to the security plan and let her program convert them to code to be manually scanned for bugs. "And you've got to make time for her, Trich. Us females are kinda sensitive that way, you know. Let her know she's at least as important as uncooperative security systems code."


Trichon laughed, "True. I haven't even seen Ruca in a week. She hasn't even seen the new look yet, or the new pip." Trichon punched in some info to his PADD. "And I still have some work left in the shuttlebay, but it can wait. I think we have deserved some down time. Wonder how the party's going?"


"I don't know. I never was much for parties. Too many people, too many emotions for this empath, especially when they're set loose by drinking." Merri giggled a little. "I guess I'm too lazy to want to work at blocking it all out. Much more comfortable right here with machines and people who care about them. And of course plenty to keep my mind busy. I don't know what I'd do with 'down time' if I had it. Go horseback riding in the holodeck, maybe." She shrugged, eyes intent on her code.


"I'll tell you what I would do with some 'down time'." Trichon leaned back in the chair and got a far off look on his face, "I would take Ruca on a date. A real date. Dinner, dancing, a long walk on the beach. Things a couple are supposed to do, you know." Trichon's attention snapped back to the security code he was working on. "But that's something for later. Need to finish this up before I can think about that." Trichon let a small sigh out.


Slowly and deliberately, Merri put her PADD aside and looked up from her workstation. "Go do it," she said flatly. "I can finish up here. I've even had more sleep than you have."


"You sure? I don't mind staying and helping finish this up."


"I'm absolutely sure," Merri insisted. "Go. Take her out on a date, even if it's just a holodeck date. You both deserve it!"


Trichon nodded, "You're right. I am going to sweep Ruca off her feet. I will be so charming that she proabaly won't even notice the beard. To tell you the truth, I am starting to like the beard." Trichon stood up and grabbed his stuff. "Thanks Merri, I owe you one."


Merri could only laugh as she picked up her PADD again. "Tickle her with it," she advised as she watched him go. And she kept on laughing softly.


Trichon waved to Merri and left main engineering with a bounce in his step.

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