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Cmdr Ayers

Warning Bell

A warning bell goes off in the back of Nick's mind when the Captain says "Your a lot older than me, thoughts?" On face value, it is a simple statement that is patently wrong. Unless Nick is incapable of judging ages in Andorians, then it was obvious the Captain is the elder being. That left that it was the Captain who was incapable of judging age in humans, even a half-breed such as Nick. Or..it was simply the Captain's means of fishing for information from Nick's El-Aurian heritage. Unfortunately any info that Nick could provide as an El Aurian would be meaningless unless they found out who was pulling off the attacks. Nick couldn't provide information if he didn't know what he was supposed to be providing information about. If they found out who is behind the attacks then anything Nick knows about them could be told to the Captain....probably.


The existence of El Aurians within the Federation..even before the Federation even existed had always been a tightrope act, the line between living in the Federation and interfering with it's development being incredibly thin. On one side was the pitfall of being heartless and on the other was the pitfall of divulging knowledge that was better left unknown. And while the tightrope had widened since the Federation "found out" about the El Aurians, that doesn't mean it had gone away. More then a few times over the last century Starfleet Intelligence and others had decided that the El Aurians knew something that they weren't telling and that had to be corrected. Or that surely that new technology could be gleaned from a race that had been space-faring for centuries before Earth. And Starfleet Intel had a bad habit, according to the El Aurians that had unfortunately became of interest to Starfleet Intel, of acting a lot like certain 20th century organizations. Some things were better left secret until the time was right. Nick can only hope that this wouldn't be one of those situations.

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