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Travis Kroells

Did you see Return of the king yet?























Now that that's taken care of, if any one reads this and gets mad at me, Im not to blame, they didnt head the warning.


So what was your favorite part? Hmm? I liked how they did the ending for starts...how ever, I wished that they would have added that Sam, Gimli, and Legolas do eventually sail across the sea also, it might not have been in the books, only the apedicies, but I thought they should have added it...oh well...I still liked it!


Now you must tell your storry, or face my wrath!!!

Edited by Lt. Travis Kroells

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Now as everyone can tell I did see it, and now that we are in the spoilers I'm entering my hardcore LOTR fan mode...


As a fan I thought the movie was okay. I was mad that we didn't get Prince Imrahil and that they turned Denethor into a madmad rather then a broken ruler. They just made it seem like he gave up. They should have talked about the Palantir in the Minas Tirith, even though John Noble did say "The Eyes of Minas Tirith are not blind" and that just struck an accord and I thought we'd see the Palantir on the Pyre, but no dice, and then him just jumping off the cliff in a ball of fire was just a bit much for me. I also wanted to see the Wild Men of the Forest, Ghan-Buri-Ghan and all his fellows. Also another gripe of mine was how the time concept on the movie was a little strange and everyone just kinda poped out of nowhere to save the day. We Also get no Mouth of Sauron, we don't get Houses of Healing which I thought would have expanded Viggo as Aragorn a little better. I also wanted to see Aragorn use the Palantir to show himself to Sauron, but no dice there. Also no Faramir and Eowyn romance which really ticked me cause we just got like this 10 second glimpse of them after Aragorn was crowned. I wanted to see Saruman get killed by Grima at the beginning but Christopher Lee was just kinda thrown off to the side. I knew we wouldn't get Scouring of the Shire since it would be kinda of Anti-climatic at the end of the films and that was understandable but dang it! I wanted to see Saruman dead!! :). I also was just a little ticked when Frodo got his finger bitten off by Gollum, I just wanted to see him fall in because he finally got his precious back, not get shoved off by Frodo, that was another thing that ticked me off.


Besides those gripes everything else was just spectacular I enjoyed watching the film and sheded tears four times during it (Boromir's Suicide mission, when Theoden died, Sam picking up and carrying Frodo up the mountain, and the final farewell) They were soo moving and just perfect. I love how the stayed faithful to the fight with Eowyn and the Witch King. It was verbatum from the book, another perfect thing. And the encounter with Shelob. I also loved how we got the Eagles at the Black Gate, I didn't think they were going to make it, but I was happy to see them. Just like I said everything, besides my gripes, was just awesome, loved it to death.


As a Tolkein fan on a scale from 1 to 5, the film gets a 4. Would have been a five if they kept a few things. But I just loved the movie, and plan on watching it again during the weekend. :).


The people in the theater that I was in definetly enjoyed the movie, lots of cheers and applause at the end. I clapped a little but I was trying to hide my tears of saddness that it was all over.


::Gets a little choked up thinking about:: :(. Let it go on! Just for me! ;) Can't wait for the Extended Editon!! :)

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As a Tolkein fan on a scale from 1 to 5, the film gets a 4. Would have been a five if they kept a few things. But I just loved the movie, and plan on watching it again during the weekend. ;).


I could *feeeel* the missing scenes, and here are Huff's Predictions on what shows up in the extended version (I haven't done any reading about it and don't plan to, these are just my gut instincts):


We will get to see the stone chucked from Isengard, so we know why it just sitting there glowing under water...


We will get to see time with Faramir and Eowyn. I mean, duh.


We had best get to see Merry swear servitude to Theoden.


The journey home has to be longer, and the time sitting around in Hobbiton as well. We need to see more of that unrest.


Uh, the trip to the Mountain was... chopped up at best. I'll bet anything that gets a whole lot more, from the time Shelob stabs Frodo on.


MY highlights? Let's see... I really liked the Green Death army storming Gondor. lol. Too cool. And, well, just about everything else. Shelob bobbing around silently was spectacular. The new locations were nothing less than perfect.


My thumbs down... Yep, flaming off the cliff of Gondor was dumb. (However, I thought his descent into madness before that was just fine - it fits with my general impression). The lava special effects sucked. Gollum should have fried to a crisp long before he was covered. Same thing on the cliffs, the heat should have killed them from lava that close.. Oh well. Let's see, I'd been curious to see if they had the balls to have Frodo completely naked in the tower and alas they wimped out on us. I *did* like the neck scars, though - very nice touch. And lastly, the timing through Mordor was just dumb - too fast, too easy. Again, I suspect we'll be seeing more of it later.

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