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Cmdr Ayers

First Officer's Log:  Preparations

      Nick sighs quietly as he watches the sleeping gas take affect on the near riotous Cardassians contained within the confines of the forcefields.  Some of the security guards present cast uneasy glances at another.  Nick sympathizes but doesn't allow the concern to affect him outwardly.  Riot control measures was one of those things that Starfleet Security taught out of necessity, not out of actual desire to use it as it went against what Starfleet was supposed to be about.  


      Trying to remain dispassionate about the situation is starting to become a losing battle as he watches what's going on beyond the force field.  Exhaustion was not helping him from becoming annoyed and angry at the mob's action.  The near riot happened because the Cardassians wanted off the station but their very actions only delayed the timetable of getting them off the station and out of the system.  As a result, in some dark corner of his mind, a voice was telling Nick that perhaps it would be just as well if the Federation cut it's losses now and left the planet and it's remaining inhabitants to their fate.  


      Nick taps his commbadge and says "Lieutenant Shaharin, have medical and security send as many teams as they can spare down here.  We'll need the help in order to get as many of them on the ships before they do wake up. And lord knows what's going to happen once they do wake up. "

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