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Kara Midanyl

Bio: Kara Midanyl

Name: Kara Midanyl

Race: Human

Age: 21

Gender: Female

POB: USS Colorado*

Rank: Ensign

Physical appearance: Medium-length black hair, Green eyes. Somewhat attractive.


Bio: Kara is the daughter of William and Rachel Midanyl. She was born and raised aboard the USS Colorado, where her father served as chief of security(and later XO) and her mother as Chief Medical Officer. When she turned 18, Kara joined Starfleet offically and entered the Academy. Having always liked her father's work more than her mother's, it was not suprise that she majored in Security/tactics. While there she also was a member of the famed Red squadron. She graduated with honors and has been assigned to the USS Excalibur as an ASEC. Kara is no stranger to life in space as thats where she spent most of her's. She enjoys security and tactical jobs more than the scientific fields and is a decent pilot from her work with Red Squadron. She hopes to follow in her father's footsteps and become XO of a starship.

Edited by Kara Midanyl

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