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Cmdr Ayers


During the hours that it takes the Pandora's Box to return to the Station, Nick finishes the reports and updates Starfleet. He transmits the reports as he sense the ship near the station.


He stands and steps towards the doors as he feels the ship slow down to Impulse. He steps through the doors and glances briefly at the viewscreen, frowning slightly at the damage that is still so very obvious. Saying to the Bridge crew in general "Drop the freighter a safe distance from the Station and then summon a replacement crew here. I want the Pandora fully crewed until the Station's defenses are operational. I'm returning to the Station now."


Nick's attention again returns to the viewscreen and the frown deepens as his gaze traces over the damage. Admittedly he wanted to find the attackers alive in the dark hope that they would attack. He wanted to know if they were quite so willing to do so when their target wasn't lying defenseless. That someone or something else killed them only meant the answers to why and what was going on would likely go unanswered. Nick long ago stopped believing in coincidences, whoever killed the ones that attacked the Station did not just happen upon them by happenstance.

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